Chapter Nine - Snitches Get Stitches

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Nate didn't go back home that day. He spent the night at the studio, sleeping on the couch. Once the next day rolled around, the ebony rolled over only to yelp in both surprise and fright as he fell off the couch, landing with a thud on the floor. He didn't bother to get back up, just laying there with a small sigh.

The sound of the door opening, caused Nate to finally sit up. When he saw who it was, he sighed once more.

"You're here early" Shawn spoke as he saw Nate sitting on the floor, tangled up in a blanket, "did you spend the night here?" The tanned male asked as he noticed the blanket and pillows on the couch.

Nate only nodded as he got to his feet, sitting back down on the couch with a small sigh.

"Why?" Shawn asked, moving a pillow so that he could sit down beside his friend, "Is everything ok?"

"No," Nate replied, shaking his head, "You know how I found Hunter with a bloody nose and a bruised jaw yesterday?" He asked.

Shawn nodded, "yea. You never explained where or how you found him, though"

Nate hesitated a bit, unsure how exactly to say it. He eventually just decided to say it, "Well, Matt kinda punched Hunter.." he explained, "I don't know why he did it, I was too mad to let him explain"

Shawn's eyes widened as Nate spoke. He then let out a small sigh, "I see" He murmured

"I just don't see why he would do that?" Nate replied, "Like, I know Hunter doesn't like him, but I don't see why Matt would just punch him like that"

"Then allow him to explain himself" Shawn replied, "Let him say what happened. Maybe, in his mind at least, he had a good reason to punch Hunter"

Nate nodded after a moment, "yea, you're right" he murmured, "I'll get both sides of the story before deciding what to believe"

"Sounds like a plan" Shawn nodded with a warm smile, "Hope everything works out" He added as Nate quickly put on his shoes before standing up.

"Thanks" The ebony replied, "I'll be back later" with that, he was gone, heading home to talk to Matt.

When Nate walked into the house, he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Matt.

The brunette was curled up on the couch hugging a picture frame while he slept. The room around him looked like a tornado had run through it. There were holes in the wall where Nate guessed Matt had punched it. A lamp that usually sat on a side table had been thrown across the room, smashing against the wall. The side tables were flipped over, everything on them scattered across the floor. The coffee table that sat in the middle of the room was flipped over, the glass having shattered into tiny little pieces. The reclining chair that sat near the far wall was tipped on its side as well.

"What the hell happened here?" Nate wondered aloud, causing Matt to wake up, sitting up with a jolt.

"N.. Nate?" he asked, looking over at the ebony before getting up and running over to the other male, who took a step back as he put his hand out to stop the brunette.

"I just came to talk" Nate spoke almost hesitantly, "I want your side of what happened"

"Oh.." Matt replied, looking down at the picture in his hands. For a split second, Nate felt bad. He wanted to just hug Matt and apologize for leaving him. But he didn't.

"What caused you to punch Hunter?" He asked.

Matt's eyes seemed to darken, an unreadable look in them as he looked back up at Nate, "He told me he knew what I was doing to you" He replied, his voice becoming bitter with a hint of rage, causing Nate to feel uneasy.


"He said you told him how you got the bruises" Nate froze at that, taking a step back in case he needed to run.

"I-I never told him anything" he replied.

"I told you that I wouldn't be as nice if you ran your mouth again" Matt growled, taking a step towards the ebony. Nate immediately turned around to run only to gasp as he felt arms wrap around his head, capturing him in a headlock.

The ebony tried to free himself from Matt's grip but the brunette was stronger, his grip on the headlock tightening. Eventually Nate felt his eyes grow heavy before everything went black.

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