Where they belong

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It's been months and yet, Amity Blight still gets startled at waking up not with one but two girlfriends by her side. And then there's the ugly Grimwalker lying next to Willow who's lying next to Luz. He has his nose buried on Willow's neck and an arm around her waist and he's smiling in that particularly soft way that makes Amity want to pinch his cheeks because he looks utterly happy and it's disgusting the same way it's absolutely fantastic. After all, Hunter deserves happiness. It's just still a little weird for Amity that she got to be included in it so... intimately.

They're not dating, Hunter and Amity. She isn't into guys and he isn't into her. But they both are into Luz and Willow and Willow and Luz are into each other and also into Amity and Hunter. So they all started dating each other except for Hunter and Amity. They just hang out and pester the living hell out of each other every time they can. You know, as a treat.

Amity sighs, a fond smile growing on her lips. She lies down again, sliding closer to her batata, wrapping her arms around Luz's arm and letting her chin rest on her exposed shoulder. So warm and comfy. She closes her eyes once more, letting herself be dragged back to unconsciousness.

It's been months and, yet, Luz Noceda still gets as excited to wake up to her two girlfriends and one stinky gremlin of a boyfriend as on the very first day she woke up to them all still asleep. It just feels right. She talked long and hard about it with Amity once she realized she also had romantic feelings for Willow and for Hunter, who happened to be in a relationship on their own. In a way, that fact made things easier and more difficult at the same time. Granted Huntlow (Titan. Skara had come up with such a funny-sounding ship name... Hooty had been more than eager to put it into action and oh boy had he) seemed taken aback at first. Not grossed out, but surprised. Curious. Especially Hunter.

Something about new experiences, he said, and, well, it turned out that Willow and Hunter had also idly chatted about their own lingering possible attraction for Luzity. Or, in Hunter's case, just Luz.

They didn't jump right on it, of course. The four of them talked, a lot. And did tons of research and asked even more people. (Steve, particularly, was one of the more eager witches to show them his support. "All about love and finding where you belong," he had said before planting a kiss on Savinne's fluffy cheek).

It took them weeks that could have easily become months if Camila Noceda hadn't decided to come for a surprise visit. Vee didn't come with her, still not feeling ready to come back to the demon real despite no threats existing there anymore for her. Camila didn't pressure her, instead assuring her she would be back in a few hours.

The second Eda saw her, the Owl Lady jumped to fill her in on all the details of their daughter expanding her love horizons, with Raine kindly chiming in here and there to add relevant details. Camila? She had been thrilled. Of course, she loved Amity. She made Luz so happy, how could she not? But, and this was something Camila hadn't shared with anyone and wasn't planning on doing so in the near future when she first met Willow... Well, Camila had had hope for her to be more than friends with her older daughter. There was something about the way Willow carried herself and the energy around her that was an absolute Yes in Camila's eyes. And then there was Hunter. Camila met him, saw how he looked at Willow, and all her hopes shattered in an instant. She didn't remember ever seeing someone look so enamoured since, well, herself before she started dating her late husband. So when Luz told her the news about- how did she call them again? Humour? No, no. Ah. Huntlow. Yes. No. That was the old one. Ugh. Why is it so hard-oh! That's right! Greenwalker. There. Greenwalker it is! She really would never understand these things. The point was, she had been ecstatic for them.

Not even in her craziest dreams had Camila imagined her daughter would sheepishly ask for a word in private and confess her struggles, her doubts about starting a poly relationship. With Hunter and Willow plus Amity herself.

"What if we don't work out? Would that ruin our friendship? They're my best friends! Of course, there's also Gus but we don't see him like that and besides, he's dating Matt-I'm getting out of topic! Gah!"

Camila chuckles softly, cupping her daughter's face between her hands.

"Luz," she gently speaks, "mija, if you're only thinking about what could possibly go wrong, do you really think you'll ever be ready to go for it?"

"No..." Luz sighs, closing her eyes. "I won't... But mamá! They-They are Willow and Hunter! They love each other so much! That's not to say I don't love Amity with just as much passion, of course, but-but-- How did I even develop romantic feelings for my best friends? Is that even allowed...?"

"Your father was my best friend," Camila tells her, eyes so full of love they're basically dripping with it. Her thumb caresses Luz's cheek lovingly. "My best friend in the whole world. Why wouldn't you be allowed to love and be together with them just the way you want if they love and want you the same way?"

Luz sniffs, eyes glossy with unshed tears.

"You're right," she says through wobbly lips, smiling, voice cracking. "You're right! Nada funcionará-" she starts.

"A menos que lo hagas funcionar," Camila finishes and they share a forehead touch before Camila lets her off her daughter's face. "That's my bebé."

"Mamá," Luz laughs, "I'm already sixteen!"

"You'll always be my bebé," Camila grins at her. "You and Vee. Mis bebés preciosas."

"I know," Luz grins back, sniffing again. "I'll go visit you guys soon!"

"Take your girlfriend and your future other girlfriend and boyfriend with you, if you may."

Luz blushes, scratching the back of her head as she laughs.

"Will do!"

A few days later, the expected announcement is made. Lavender Winter was born.

Camila had to admit, Winter was such a better... joined... no. Mixed... No, no. Oh! Ship. Yes. Winter was a far better ship name for Willow and Hunter. But then again, the demon realm... She, as a human, still lacked understanding of a lot of matters.

And what was important was that her baby was the happiest she had ever seen her. How could Camila ask for more?

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