What a life.

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As I walked along the hall, I listen to the crinkling paper bag. I frowned. It wasn't my choice to have the bag it was all- before I could finish my thought I was interrupted by the lunch bell. "What's with the bag shitface??" Elizabeth yelled. God. I thought. Give me a fucking break. It hasn't even been 2 days since you beat me up.

I walked into the cafeteria and smiled when I saw Riley, my best friend. I took some pizza and sat down. "Your bag is even darker red, let me guess, more punches?" "Yup, I'm surprised the bag hasn't fallen apart." It hurt to speak. It hurt to even open my mouth. But there was no other way. I just had live for about longer and then I can finally go. I felt something moist hit my head. I looked around and saw Eric, Elizabeth's boyfriend, throwing food at me. I ducked just in time for the next launch. It (unfortunately) hit Riley instead. Thats it. I Thought. I got up and walked over. Eric got up and started to laugh, but I punched him, picked up his food, and threw it on his head. Next thing I new, I was in detention.

In principle Jeffery's office. It's hippy vibe was overwhelming. "I'm sorry Chrissy, but punching Eric is not friendly." "But Eric threw food at me and Riley!" "I told you, I tripped and some got on you!!" "No it didn't you liar!" I was about to punch him again.

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