A normal day

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I was getting ready for school, chose my outfit ( a cute skirt with a long sleeved plain white t-shirt which was tucked in, white tights and black boots) When I heard my grandmother call me down.

I don't know what happened to my parents all I know from my grandparents is that my mum was to young and decided to hand me of to her parents, they write to us occasionally but I have never met them in real life.

Anyways, when I went downstairs I saw that my grandmother had made waffles. I could smell the delicious smell of the well-baked waffles. My grandfather was already sat at the table drinking his orange juice and reading a newspaper called the "daily prophet" when suddenly my grandmother cried out in awe!

"Oh my darling, you look so good at the moment! Is that the new outfit I picked for you"

" Yes it is I really like it" I reply twirling around admiring the shirt mostly!

Grandfather finally looked up in a grumpy way.

"Ted stop looking grumpy Elaina looks beautiful, Doesn't she" Grandmother shouted

"Yes dear" He replied like an army solider ready to attack.

I ate my waffles and quickly drank my orange juice. I suddenly heard my best friend at the door, it was Kayla, we had been so close since I was 4 months old. She wasn't really a girly girl like me she was more into sports. While I was more into boys and stuff. None of us were really popular but people like us.

"Hi Elaina" Kayla Squealed (Which she only did if something exiting was happening in her life)

"What's wrong Kayla" I said annoyingly


"What letter" I asked


I didn't know what she meant but got on the bus and talked about how long it will be when I got mine but I didn't know what it meant. But I will soon find out!

A/N: Sorry if this is short and weird but its my first story so I'm sorry The next part will be uploaded soon

The secret daughter: part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن