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April stared as the chair crashed very close to her head.she took in a deep breath and crouched behind the table.

" You bitch.....where are you hiding now??" He was coming closer. April felt her breath hitch as she quickly tried to scurry away.

He grabbed her hair and pulled her back. He had that sick smile she had gotten accustomed to.

" Found you.where is my money you thief" he spat at her.

Now April could not help the scoff that escaped her lips. Money? He had no money.

His drunken breath suffocated her more than his tight grip on her neck.

" I don't know " she wheezed out.

The slap was deafening.she landed on her buttocks as she felt the strong sting on her face.

She did not know what changed .

It could have been like every other day.

She gets beaten and then cries herself to sleep.

It could have been every other day.......but not today.

She grabbed the broken peice of lamp stand next to her and threw it at him aiming for his head.

The lampstand hit it's Mark with a satisfying sound.

April did not waste time.she jumped on her feet and dashed out. The night wind blew past her as she focused on pounding her feet to go faster.

She couldn't believe it.she had been so scared to run off even though she was old enough.she smiled slowly.

Her smile turned into a loud laugh as she remembered the pain that crossed her abuser face when she hit him.

She could feel it now.the hope. She was running towards the light.

She felt too happy to take note of the van that parked in front of her.she ran past and then she felt a hard metal hit her head.

She was whisked into the van and driven off.

So much for running towards the light.

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