Keep It Together

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It has been weeks since Emma disappeared in the middle of the street. No one has seen or heard from her since that night. They are all very worried, Regina especially, since she feels it was her fault. After all, the only reason Emma is gone is because she sacrificed herself to save her.

Regina is laying in bed unable to sleep because her mind is racing. At the moment she is attempting to think of a way to bring Emma back. She's always thinking of a way to bring her back. She has been trying since the day she disappeared, but has had zero luck.

To pull her mind away from her Emma Swan problem she began thinking about Zelena and her pregnancy. Undeniably a poor choice, but she can't stop thinking about it now. Her ever growing stomach there to remind her that her sister had slept with Robin. She wanted to vomit. Zelena was getting close to the end of her pregnancy and could have the baby any day. It is still impossible for her to believe that it's real. How the hell could her bitch of a sister get pregnant with Robin's child when she never can? It wasn't fair. But really, what was one more slap in the face from the universe.

She hasn't told Robin that she can never have children. She has hinted at it, but never said the words out loud. She is terrified to. Scared to death of how he will react. Will he hate her when she tells him she did it to herself? That's a question that she is entirely not ready to hear the answer to.

She takes a deep breath and looks out the window to see the sun rising. The light is shining in through the gap in the curtain and painting the room in an orange glow. She turns her head to look at Robin, who is still asleep on his stomach beside her. She smiles and lightly touches his cheek with the pads of her fingers. He stirs slightly then reaches an arm out to pull her flush to him. She lets out a light giggle, but settles into him immediately. They are spooning, her naked body pressed tightly against his own. She can feel his nose nuzzling into her hair. One of his arms is under her head with his hand in her hair, and the other is hanging around her waist.

"Morning, love," he whispers, then places a kiss on the back of her head. His fingers start to skim her stomach, giving her chills.

"Good morning, sweetheart," she answers as she moves an arm back to play in his hair. His hand on her stomach slowly slides up to squeeze one of her breasts as one of his legs slides between hers. Because of his shift she can now feel him hard against her hip. It makes a heat start to grow between her legs.

"Good morning indeed." He says, pinching her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, giving it a slight twist, making it stiffen which has her back arching and her hips pushing harder back into his. "What are you doing awake this early, milady?" He asks as he switches breasts and continues to twist and pinch her nipple.

"Couldn't sleep." She exhales in a whisper, followed by a small moan.

"Why is that, lovely?" He asks sitting up slightly to kiss the side of her neck and gently suck just under her ear, just where she likes.

"I was just thinking, mmm, about Zelena and Emma."

"Well you certainly know how to kill the mood," he grumbles as he rolls onto his back and put his hands over his face, "mentioning your sister that I slept with and got pregnant."

"Honey." She rolls over to face him after hearing his defeated huff and places a kiss on his bare chest. She slides one of her legs between his so she can use that to her advantage later. "That wasn't your fault, you didn't know. You couldn't have known." She props up on an elbow and coaxes him to move his hands from his face so she can look into his eyes.

"I know, but I still did it. I slept with someone else and got her pregnant! I gave up on us." He turns onto his side so he's facing her and drops a hand to her hip. He is unable to look into her eyes so he keeps his gaze fixed on his hand at her hip.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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