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"Hey so what's everyone doing tonight, anything special?" Buck asks the 118 in hopes Eddie won't have any plans.

"I'm going to go home to Karen, drop Denny off at granny's and take Karen out for a romantic dinner date" Hen says.

"Sounds nice" Buck replies whilst glancing at Eddie awaiting his response.

"Me and Athena are going to have a game night with May and her new boyfriend" Bobbys says excitedly.

"Me and Maddie are going to have a movie night, even though she will fall asleep halfway through the first one". Chimney chuckles.

"Ooo all sounds very nice. What about you Eddie you've been incredibly quiet today" "Have you got a secret date you're attending to?" Buck asks with one eyebrow raised trying to play it off cool.

"Nope, no plans for me. Chris is staying over at a friend's house so no one to go home to" Eddie replies whilst kicking around a rubbish wrapper on the floor.

"Same here, I've got nothing to do and nowhere to go" Buck replies whilst looking at Eddie who throws his gear over his shoulder, ready to leave.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing you two don't have anything planned as it's your turn to stay behind and clean the trucks" Bobby remarks.

"Oh yeah, that's right aha turns out I do have plans after all" Buck chuckles and looks at Eddie in hopes he gets a slight smile out of him. The rest of the team laugh and say goodbye to Buck and Eddie.

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