Prologue Pt. 1

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3rd Person P.O.V

The war against the Shadow Realm finally came to an end.  Satan, demon lord of the Under World, was on his way to the palace where his wife Illiana and soon to be born child resided. His journey was a long one, having been injured during this war, would make it quite difficult to travel through the dangerous path that awaits. His majesties pace was slow, only hoping that he will make it in time to his wife, to be there when his child is born. The Lords injuries were fatal, and he could die at any moment, so as his dying wish he would like to be able to see them one last time.

At the palace:

The night began, all was silent in the realm of Darkness. That is, until the painful screams of the queen were heard. "AAHHHHH, HURY AND GET ME TO THE INFIRMARY!!", the queen yelled, anger evident in her voice. Indeed the queen was in with child, and was currently in labor, much to her dismay, her husband, the King of Darkness, otherwise known as Satan, was no where to be found. The servants rushed her majesty to the delivery room, where she will hiopefully give birth to a healthy child. With this said, her survival rate is nothng but a mere 30%, s she is human, giving birth to a half demon.

"Your highness", the doctor spoke. As you are very aware of this situation at hand , you need to make a decision right now, we can only save one of you, who shall it be", he spoek in a sorrowful tone. "SAve my child, please, tell my husband, that he should not not grieve over me and blame the child, to take care of itat is my final wish". With these last words that the queen spoke, they followed her command, doing everything in their power to save the child. And soon enough a beautiful, healthy baby girl was brought into this world. The doctors right away got into tsking proper procedure into cleaning the child. The head doctor was then pulled from his duties as a nurse wanted to speak to him. "D-doctor, his majesty has arrived and wishes to spekak with you ", the nurse said with her gaze to the floor , frightened for dear life to tell him herself, as she knew he would become angry and kill her. "Ah doctor there you are, am I able to see my wife and new born child ", the lord of Darkness said with much excitement in his voice.

"Take a seat my lord, there is something I must tell you". His majesty sat down impatiently, with an irritated look upon his face, waiting the oh-so important news the doctor spoke of.  "My lord, you know how small the possibility of the queen to survive the delivery right?". The demon lord gave a small nod as he knew where this conversation was leading to. '-sigh-, we could only save one of them, the queen decided to save your child, and with that, she gave her life. Her final request was for you to know that she loved you deeply". The demon lord rose from his seat and entered the delivery roo. Upon entering, he heard a faint scream, one that would come from a child, and at this sight, a smiled appeared on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2015 ⏰

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