Act 1

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The city lights up so brightly it can be seen from across the river. I know, because I often stare, longingly, as I wonder how people can cross without feeling dismay.

The city across the river is only open to those who suffer from loss. I suppose I should be grateful for not having to suffer through such pain, but at the same time, I have nothing to lose.

I've heard so much about the city across the river, most from those who just came back.

It's worth the loss... worth the death... worth the struggle and tears and uprising...

I slip the hood of my black pullover over my head, tuck the strands of my hair under the rim. Cool wind brushes across my face, placing delicate kisses to bare skin. It feels like I'm touched by ice.

I turn left, making my way down the street under stars and the indigo of the night sky. Sighing under my breath, I stop in front of a coffee shop before entering the warmth and comfort.

It's busy. 

"98!" My eyes track the person who goes up to collect her order, curiously watching as she picks up a small bag. Surprise strikes when she sets her things near me, and I casually make my way to sit near her. 

"Who doesn't order coffee at a coffee shop?" I mutter. My words are only meant for me, but I guess she hears them too, because she lets out a little huff. 

"Me, clearly." 

"But, why?"

She lets out her huff again. "Why not? I don't feel like it today." I scratch my chin, absently pulling down my hood to pull my hair back. 


Her huff comes out again, but this time, it sounds more like a laugh. 

"Proves my point." She leans over to me, so close that I study her silver- gray eyes as she squints at mine. We're on equal grounds, but her gaze unpieces me and I quickly lose ground as she looks me up and down. 

A while passes, though, I could've sworn it was only a few moments. But by the time I look around and gather my surroundings, it feels like new faces have swarmed the busy area. 

"Going to get anything?" Her voice snaps me out of my trance.

I look at the table in front of me. Smooth, wooden, dark brown. You can see the lighter streaks of the wood's circles- they act as a glowing moon in the night sky. Slowly, I stand. Her knee begins to tap- whether it be impatience, or distress- I wouldn't know. So, I begin to turn away- "I'm Thana. it was nice meeting you." 

Her hand sticks out with my body half turned. "Lyric. Up for a walk around the city tomorrow? Meet up here, 9:00 in the morning?" The staring contest begins. Her eyes are expecting, determined, sharp and sure. 

"Sure." I desperately want to ask if it's a date, but her intimidating gaze shoes my words away. "I'll be there." 

We shake, and I leave to the register with her eyes burning into my backside. Pounding, even, with something my finger can't quite place.

Disappointment, I think. 


I leave the coffee shop with a sandwich. I didn't really feel like a coffee, at least, not this late at night when I have finished most of my work. 

On my way back to my apartment, I look up at the sky. It's a brilliant blue, brighter than the darkness I thought it would be before. 

And I stand, under the serenity, the calm, the peace. Someone's singing in the distance, perhaps from the roof or maybe their window. The voice is calming, familiar, guiding. A young girl, perhaps, training to perform?

The city lights leave streaks across my face, and I turn to guide myself home- her melody lingers in my mind.

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