An unexpected occurrence

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~Y/n's pov~

It was another boring day for me. I woke up to my little brother waking me up. "GET UP YOU LAZY BUM!" I heard him scream. I woke up and groaned, "Bro what are you doing in my room, GET OUT!!" I screamed back at him. He squealed and ran out of my room. "Oh great I have to go to school today now that the weekend is over, I can't wait." I thought, rolling my eyes. I got dressed and walked out my door, grabbing my backpack I went to the living room. I saw all my little brothers toys all over the place and rolled my eyes. "Just make sure to pick up your toys before mom gets home tonight." I told him, he nodded his head. "And tell Dad I said bye, he's probably sleeping right now since it's his day off so I don't want to wake him." He nodded his head again, and I walked out the door.

As I was walking to school, a car comes rushing past me and gets water all over my bag and me. I mutter under my breath, "Jerks." They weren't even supposed to be rushing past like that, it was illegal. but nonetheless what could I do? Nothing, so I just kept walking to school. When I got to school I saw the same car that splashed me with water there. "HEY, it's the same jerks that splashed water on me earlier!" I waited for the person who splashed me with water to get out of the car, and was shocked to see Adrien get out of the car. Then another person gets out too. He was wearing a black and white suit and looked like he could've been Adrien's twin. I raced over to them.

"And here's the school you'll be going too with m-" Adrien started to say until I ran over there and cut him off. "So you're the jerks that splashed water all over my clothes and bag." Adrien looked at me confused, and the boy that looked like he could be Adrien's twin started to study me. He then started laughing. "What's so funny." I asked angrily. "Yeah It was us who splashed you with water, well me. It was my idea to splash you with water, I told Adrien's bodyguard to speed up. You looked like a pathetic loser on the sidewalk walking to school. So I asked the bodyguard to speed up." He whispered in my ear. A light pink went in my cheeks since he was so close to my face after he whispered to me. Adrien looked at us lost and confused on what we were talking about.

"Sorry Adrien, forget what I said about splashing me with water, it was another car. You guys just happened to have the same car." I said lying through my teeth. The boy who I'm gonna call Adrien's evil twin looked at me shocked for lying for him, but then started to walk away, before Adrien walked away he stopped and apologized to me. "I'm sorry about you being splashed with water, and whatever my cousin Felix said to you. He can be quite a handful, and I'm not very sure if letting him go to this school was a very good idea but we'll see what happens." Adrien says embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck. I smile at him, "Hey it's no sweat, besides... I think he'll like it here. Everyone will just need to get used to him." I said, trying to reassure Adrien. Adrien smiles back, and goes to look for his cousin.

~In the classroom~

"Felix..." I thought, "That's his name." I was thinking so much that I didn't even see Alya put her hands in front of my face and wave them. "Helloooo, earth to Y/nnn." She says trying get my attention. "HUH WHAT??" I yelled snapping out of my thoughts. Alya and Marinette started to laugh softly. "Girl what could possibly captivate your attention so much, that you can't even hear me." Alya and Marinette giggled. "Felix, that's what." I thought. "Uh, I was thinking of...IF I DID THAT HOMEWORK YESTERDAY! Yeah I was worried that I didn't do it, but I did do it." I lied, giving the dumbest excuse I could think of. Alya knew I was lying, but didn't say anything. "Well anyway, did you hear about Felix, Adrien's cousin is now going to this school. You know the one that..." Marinette starts to get kind of angry, but then lets it go. "The one that made that video pretending to be Adrien." Alya sighs at seeing Mari mad. "Marinette, It happened a few months ago, maybe he's changed. Adrien seems to think so, he's introducing his cousin to everyone right now. If you don't trust him maybe at least believe Adrien's judgement." Alya says, facepalming. Mari sighs. "Fine I'll trust him, for now. Only because Adrien trusts him." She says, a look of annoyance appears on her face as Adrien walks over to us, with Felix.

"Hey Girls, this is my cousin Felix, but you already met him today Y/n." Adrien says, a small smile appearing on his face. Felix holds out his hand for a handshake, Alya shakes it. "Alya Cesaire, It's nice to meet you." She says with a welcoming smile. Felix gives a fake smile, "Felix Graham de Vanily, it's nice to meet you too." He says. Marinette could tell Felix was being fake and was reluctant to shake his hand. "So this is the loser that's in love with my cousin." Felix thinks as he shakes Marinette's hand. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, i-it's nice to meet you." She says, sounding all pouty. "I'm Felix, pleasure to meet you." He said, rolling his eyes. apparently it was only Marinette and me who saw him do it because Alya smiled at Marinette thanking her for doing something she didn't want to do, and Adrien was smiling, so only Mari and me saw it. Felix then got to me. I held out my hand for a handshake to properly introduce myself, but Felix then grabs my hand and kisses the back of it. "You already know my names Felix, so what's your name?" He said smirking evilly. I was at a loss of words. "HE'S TRYING TO PLAY WITH MY FEELINGS!!" I thought, panicking, I could feel my cheeks get pink. "Uh, my name's Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you." I said weirded out. Marinette glared at Felix, and Felix then whispered in my ear.

"You're such a loser don't even think I'd do anything nice for you, because you'll just end up getting all attached or whatever girls do. You seem like the annoying nice girl type, so spare your feelings or whatever." With that he walked off, but before he did he smirked again, evilly. Alya afterwards looked too stunned for words. "GIRL, HE'S TOATLLY INTO YOU!!" Alya says smiling at me. "I'm not sure that's the case..." I thought tiredly. "Yeah uh, think what you want." I said nervously laughing. Marinette spoke up, "There's something off about this boy and I don't like it, I don't like it one bit." She stated suspiciously. I just held my head down and went to go sit down in my seat.

I got to my seat, and Felix comes to sit down next to me. "Ugh can this b-go away." I thought as he sat down next to me. "Why are you sitting next to me." I said with my head down on the desk, looking in his green eyes. I was very annoyed with him at this point, and I did NOT want him sitting next to me. "You obviously seem very annoyed and angry at me, so you'll be the person I mess with, and if me sitting here is annoying you then I'll sit here." He remarked with an evil smile. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, but I'm not the only person here who isn't a fan of you, Marinette isn't a very big fan of you either, why don't you go bother her or something." I said, I was getting kind of getting angry at him at this point. "Well there's just two things wrong with that." He said, annoyance in his tone. "Oh yeah and what's that pretty boy." I said sarcastically. "Well for one, Adrien is really protective of this, "Marinette" It seems. He even told me in the car not to mess with her or else, so I'm not going to do that. Adrien might be a kind idiot, but he's still my favorite cousin, and we are practically like twins so I'll leave Marinette alone." He said, he looked kind of proud and annoyed at the same time. "Oh yeah? and what's your second reason?" I asked him curiously, a sly smile on my face. "Well that's easy, you're just a fun person to mess with, you get mad so easily it's funny. You really are a nice girl idiot like I thought you were. You're so easy to pick on it's pathetic." He said laughing. I rolled my eyes and turned my head over. "You're pretty pathetic, "Pretty girl." He said, still laughing.

"He used the joke that I made to him." I thought with admiration. But my thoughts were quickly stopped when a akuma attack happened, and a person was after the whole school. The person started getting close to the classroom we were in, so I grabbed Felix's hand and said, "We can't stay here, let's get out of here." And we started running for the classroom door.


I had a lot of fun writing this, and I can't wait to make the next part. Sorry if this is trash, I tried my best!

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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-An Unexpected Crush- Felix Graham de Vanily x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora