Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

how it started...

princess Ana

Okay, I believe the year was 2011 when this all started.

I am the princess, and the only child so one day I will take my place on the throne and rule.

Everything was normal. The indentured servants were working their heads off, wagons were passing by and people were carrying water.

Very modern day.

Until my father called for me.

at the palace...

king: (whisper to queen) We can't keep her hiding forever! She'll find out eventually! She always does!

queen:(whispering back) Don't worry I've got it all planned. She won't be here when the war comes.

I impatiently stand there just waiting.

"What are you guys talking about?"

They jump in surprise as if I just came.

"N-nothing my dear(did my mom just shutter?) We have something to tell you. Please sit."

So I do. Then they tell me all these stories about how there are very few kingdom's existing and that the wild savages are dangerous which is why they make me stay in the kingdom blah blah blah. I never got to personally meet one, but I hear that they too are humans, just uncivilized.

They finally gtt to the point...

"So sweetie, we're going to send you somewhere safe because our kingdom has problems," my mom concludes.

"What kind?" I ask.

My parents frowns.

The rules were that the princess never asks questions to her parents.


I watch my servant pack up my stuff as I wondered where I'd be going. I've never been out of the kingdom before, especially so unexpected.

After a 3 day voyage to the coast I board my ship, wearing my traveling dress for the first time.

When I looked back at my homeland I noticed something. I had nothing to say goodbye to. Not even my parents friends were there, since they were a bit anti-social. I talked to nobody, except when I needed something. Nothing was important to me; I didn't even have a possesion of value. I sigh.

After a long while, I finally gained enough courage to talk to the captain.

"Where are we heading?"

He explained to me that I had a uncle of mine that was willing to keep me in hiding until this was all over.

Satisfied, I head below deck to get sone sleep.

I am awaken by the sound of the captain giving quick commandments to his sailors. The ship was rocking back and forth, causing me to fall on the floor. I get up as soon as the captain came inside.

" Quickly princess we have to leave now."

I started to take my time, because a princess never rushed.

He didn't wait.

He grabed me, and half-dragged me to the top of the boat, which was starting to sink.

At the top he stopped dragging me and led me to the edge of the boat.

"What are you doing?" I shouted, while struggling as he lifted me. Was he going to throw me into the water!?

Instead, he threw me on this yellow thing full of air.

"What is this!"

" It's a lifeboat. Take this and stay on this boat," he said, throwing me a suitcase.

"I will never..." I said as I begin to rise.

Too late.

He untied the yellow thing called a lifeboat, and I begin to drift away.

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