The Straw

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'Buzzz buzz' Noel cracked an eye and picked up her phone '3:02am' she sighed as she saw who the late night text was from then reluctantly opened the text from her ex Matt.

'Hey there my love. I heard an unsettling rumor that you are leaving town. Now I know you wouldn't leave without telling me so this has to be untrue. You and I both know that we are meant for each other and I don't know why you are doing this. I love you Noel and you are mine.'

Noel placed the phone on her chest as she laid there looking up at the ceiling "Fucking just leave me alone!" she all but yelled into the dark. She screenshotted the text then turned her phone off. As soon as Noel placed her phone on her nightstand she heard a car door shut and a rush of fear shot through her body. She slowly got up out of bed, went out of her room and looked out the window in the hall way to see Matt's car outside "You fucker!" Noel turned around and walked down the hall to her dad's room. Noel pushed the door open "Dad?" she said a little more than a whisper, he turned over in his bed "Noel? What's wrong?" She walked over to his bed "Ummm Matt is outside." As soon as the words left Noel's lips, Sean was out of bed putting on his jeans then opening the drawer by his bed, took out a lockbox and opened it taking out his gun "This little boy is going to learn tonight! Noel call 911 and tell them what's going on and that you have an order against him." Sean left the room and left Noel standing there.

Noel went back to her bedroom, put a pair of jeans over her pj shorts and grabbed a hoodie before she went downstairs. As she was getting dressed she dialed 911 and told them want was going on and for this brief moment she was happy that she lived in a small town. After she hung up with the dispatcher, who she knew from high school, she went out to the front porch to check on her dad. "Listen Matt you need to leave her alone! She doesn't want to be with you or have anything to do with you!" Shawn yelled at the clearly drunk man in their front yard. "She only tells you that! Ssshhe stillll lovesss me!" Matt was slurring his words then he noticed Noel on the porch "NOEL! Tell him!" Noel stood there as she saw the lights of the cop cars coming down her street. They stopped in front of her house, one walked to her father and began to talk to him and the other went over and handcuffed Matt as he continued to scream that he wasn't doing anything wrong and that Noel still loved him. After the officer put Matt in the car he walked towards Noel, she took a deep breath "Morning Eric" Noel said as the officer approached her "Morning Noel. I have some questions. Just routine, you know." Noel nodded "He's not supposed to be here or contact me." She pulled out her phone and showed him the texts. "Oh for fuck sake Matt!" He sighed and handed the phone back to Noel. "I have something I want you to do. If you're not comfortable with this I totally understand but could you come with me to the car and tell him in my presence that you don't want anything to do with him." Noel looked down at the porch then over at the car and back to the officer "Do you think it would help?"

"Honestly Noel I don't know but if you tell him in my presence I have to write it in my report." Eric gave her a smile and Noel shook her head as she smiled back "Tricky Eric." They walked down the pathway to the car where Matt was and Noel took a deep breath as she looked at the man she once claimed to love and her heart broke a little for the man she thought he was but she knew that was not him and she let out the breath "Matt I don't want to have anything to do with you and I want you to leave me and my family alone!" Matt looked up at Noel and for a moment she thought he might cry but instead he began to hit his head against the door, screaming "YOU ARE MINE! I WILL HAVE YOU! IF I CANT HAVE YOU NO ONE CAN!" Noel stepped back putting her hand over her mouth as she looked at Eric "Yes I want to press charges!" And she turned around and walked back to the house where her father was waiting on the porch. "Come here" he grabbed Noel and pulled her into a bear hug and she just let the tears fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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