chapter 1

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At the pridelands grotto

A young lion cub named simba was in the
Pridelands with his parents and his uncle scar. One day scar told simba that his father had a surprise for him but this surprise was one of scar's evil plots.
So scar left simba at grotto as he thought to himself " if he told me i'll still acted surprised". After that a chemilion came down its branch. And when simba saw it he let out roar but it wasn't loud enough.
So he tried again as soon as he got up and he roared still wasn't loud the lizard may think he roars is like meow like a cat.
He went serious as he jump he let out a loud roar which echoed the grotto.
After a few second he heard a rumble
As he looked down on a few stone shaking
And he looked up at top of the grotto and
Stampede of wilderbeasts came running down, simba was so scared that he ran for his life. As he was running he got to the so simba started climbing just for safety a few minutes later zazu came in.
"Help is on the way master simba" zazu said
"Ok but hurry i can't hold much longer" said simba zazu flew back over to mufasa and scar and he tell them where is he .
Mufasa rush in the stampede until then SNAP simba went flying mufasa jumped with all his and he caught him.
He brings simba higher safe place
Scar attacks zazu knocks him uncousish.
Mufasa starts to climb as gets close to high ground scar got there before he did.
"Scar help me" mufasa cried scar grabs mufasa paws as he screamed "long live the king" scar growled as he throws mufasa off the ledge as he falls to his own death.
After when the stampede was over simba climb down looks for his father "dad" he called and suddenly a little brown bag fell on his head "Ow what's going on" he asked confused. He looked inside the bag inside it was a loadout of gold rings as he close it takes bag and runs away the hyenas went after him.
Simba ran so fast as went to the dessert. As he was gone scar becomes king of pride rock. Back at the dessert simba was laying down in the middle of nowhere.
The Vulture came and try to eat him
But there was a meerkat and a warthog
Charge into the vultures and fights them
As they flew away they cheered as the warthog looks at simba "Timon you come look i think is still alive" the warthog said
"Can we keep him". "pumbaa are you nuts"
Timon yelled "were talking about a lion
Lions eat guys like us.""But what if he is on our side" pumbaa suggested.
Simba opens his eyes and got up
"Who are you" he said
"Uuhh" they said then timon said "we were the ones who saved your life."
"Kid what eatten ya" pumbaa asked but
Timon thought "nothing he barely top of food chain" as he laughed at the food chain joke. "Is there any water somewhere" simba asked. "Just follow us kid will lead you to it." Simba followed them to the water all of the sudden a blue quill appears.
"Woah" simba's eyes widen we he first saw the quill and picks it up then after they started to walk into the jungle. The meerkat looks at the log "Boy i'm hungry how 'bout you pumbaa," timon asked "I'm starved." Said the warthog simba heard something coming through the bushes "Who's growling." Simba asked "Uhh i think it's my stomach." Said pumbaa "Really it's louder even you guys." Simba explained and then
An angry evil jungle tiger jumped out of the bushes and attacks "SHERE KHAN AAAAAAHHHHH." Timon and pumbaa screamed and simba runs again in fear.
He was separated and then Shere khan kills both timon and pumbaa off screen. Simba wondered what the rings do and then he threw one and the ring became a giant ring portal shere khan was on his tail so simba jump in the portal  And the giant ring portals closes and the tiger was about catch him but he was too late. "He survived for now. I could kill him if i had the chance but
I have other plans." Shere khan snickers as he went back to pride rock when simba was gone for good.
Back at pride rock
Once shere khan enters the pridelands to pride rock as he climbs up he lays down and tells scar and his heyna clan.
"The lion cub simba is still alive but i killed his new friends." Said the tiger "Shere khan i was surprise to see you." said scar "Indeed." He replied "Well then his new friends are dead what about simba himself." Scar asked "He going through time in space to madagascar." Said shere khan as the animals gasped "he won't survive in madagascar." Scar sighed as he place a paw on his forehead. Then shere khan looks into the dark sky and he said "As soon as my scurvy pirate crew is ready we will find out which one is more powerful soon enough." Shere khan smiled evilly as he snicker.

And thats hows my story begins simba was lucky he escape on the next chapter he going meets the zooters and finds the first chaos emerald and becoming sonic.

R.i.p timon and pumbaa 😿😿😿😿😭😭😭😭

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