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          I remember quite a lot about my life as a toddler, that is why I'm writing this now while I'm still in my childhood. I am writing this so that in the future I will not forget my memories. I guess this is like a diary, but I don't want to think of it that way. I would like to think of it as a memory book. So of course I'm going to write my memories, starting with my very first. It was in the summer and I was about two years old or younger. I know my age because my younger brother is about three years younger than me, and he was not yet present. My mom and some of her lady friends had taken me and their children (My now close friends) to a park. This park had a fountain and my mom had allowed us to play in the fountain. This wasn't like one of your deep wishing fountains. It was almost like a rectangular water road with smooth blue tiles. The water wasn't very cold, but it still felt good on my hot skin.

     There was this little blue and white boat that I was playing with and I was quite happy with my little white boat. While I was playing, a police man walked over to my mom. "Your kids can't play in there." The policeman said, putting his hand on his hip. "Then why is it here?" My mom snapped back. The policeman didn't budge and my mom rolled her eyes picking me up. I think the reason she was so rude was because she was pregnant with my brother, but I'm just not sure. That's really all I remember from that day, but I'm pretty glad I can remember some of it.

    The second memory I have is skipping to the hospital with my Nana and Papa after my mother had given birth to my brother. I remember walking into a blinding hospital with a huge smile on my face. I was so excited to be a big sister. I loved hugging and snuggling with my brother. His name was Keaton and I loved him more than life. He was my best friend. For a while I loved him so much I wanted to marry him. Of course I was a young child, and I did not know how wrong it would be to marry your sibling. But he was the only person I had loved deeply other than my mom and my dad, and I didn't quite understand these feelings, I now know that I loved him like a brother and not like a husband (thank the lord). When I was younger I did a lot of silly things, things that I couldn't even imagine presenting to me doing them. One thing I did still makes me laugh to this day. I was about 4 or 5 when there was a gopher snake in our backyard. Keaton was chasing it and trying to grab its tail, and I ran inside right away. Not because I was scared, but because I wanted to accessorize it! I grabbed a plastic glitter bracelet and ran back outside. 

    By this time the snake had already escaped. I don't know why I wasn't scared, and I'm honestly kind of sad about it, because today if I saw a snake in my backyard, I'd scream. The truth is, I wish I was still as brave as I was when I was little, but alas, I'm not. I try to be, I want to be, I feel the need to be, but I'm not. And that's okay! It's okay to be scared, though it might not feel good. That's what I tell myself at least. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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