Author's Note

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So, a few extra things will be explored in this story (which was supposed to be short but is not as short as I would've liked it to be). Let's dive in before we get started.

1. Victoria Keane, formerly "Venganza", will face a massive personal challenge that will appear to be glossed over for the sake of keeping the story moving. I hope to address it again in the future, though it would also be "off to the side", so to speak.

2. The previous iterations of Autumn, Spring, Summer, and Winter (first mentioned in "Awakened") get a little extra spotlight. I plan to write a spinoff based on them sometime soon, so stay tuned.

3. Lastly, the disparity between Fisi's plans and Eve's plans (mentioned in passing throughout the "Power" series) is alluded to again. Keep an eye out.

Alright, enough talking. Let's get this show on the road. The Avatars of the Founders seek to Awaken those who empower them—but if recent events are any indication, things probably won't go the way they planned...

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