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This story begins in a magical forest, filled with many creatures and critters, from dark beasts to Gumon, known as the Nibel. A enchanted world covered only by nature. It is morning and the sun shines bright in the sky. At the center of Nibel, lies a tall tree, shining light from its barks and leaves. This tree is known as the Spirit Tree. The Spirit Tree watches all over the Nibel as its guardian. Occasionally the tree drops its leaves, birthing little white creatures known as spirits. These spirits carry special powers and watch over the Nibel for the tree. The Spirit Tree is not the only guardian who watches all over the Nibel, but a humanoid women walks through the forests of old. Her name was Mother, and she assists the Spirit Tree and its spirits. Mother has long green hair, as green as emeralds and her long dress was consisted of the forest leaves. Mother was a powerful enchanter and sorcerer. She will protect the forest and its creatures from any harm or dangers.

Life was calm in Nibel until one particular day, a storm has appeared all across the land. This was no ordinary storm, as it was aggressive than usual. The Spirit Tree noticed this, as it tried to communicate to Mother.

Spirit Tree: Mother, can you hear me? Can you hear my voice?

Mother was standing at an edge of a cliff, looking up at the oncoming storm. She hears the tree's voice in her head.

Mother: Yes, I can hear you clearly.

Spirit Tree: Do you sense it too? A storm carrying dark magic?

Mother looks over at the tree's direction.

Mother: Yes, it's a feeling I have never felt before. It doesn't feel safe either.

Meanwhile, the creatures take notice at the storm. The dark clouds has covered the sun, leaving nothing but darkness across the forest. Some creatures start to panic. The spirits have tried to calm the creatures down but it was too late. The creatures have started to flee in terror. A bear like creature is rushing out the forest, until it was cut down by a scythe. Appeared behind a tree was an undead humanoid like figure. It was a demon. The cub that belonged to the bear came running and crying for its parent, as it lays dead in its own pool of blood. The demon raises its scythe above the cub. Before the demon swinged, Mother uses her magic to force push the demon into many trees, resulting the demon to explode and killed. Mother picks up the cub and held it in her arms. The cub continued to cry. Mother looks behind her, seeing an army of demons coming towards the fleeing creatures. Mother quickly hands the cub to one of the spirits.

Mother: Please, take her and the rest of the citizens out of the forest. I'll hold them off as much as I can.

Unnamed Spirit: But Mother, where would we go?

Mother: Go east of the Everglades. From there should be tunnel that would lead you all to the other side of the mountain. That side is secluded and should keep you all hidden for the time being.

The spirit nods and rounds up all the creatures to follow them. Mother and a few spirits try fighting the hordes of demons. The Spirit Tree once again calls for Mother.

Spirit Tree: Mother, come towards me. I fear the worst is about to come.

Mother turns towards the direction of the Spirit Tree.

Mother: As you wish.

Mother turns towards the spirits.

Mother: Hold them off as much as you can. I must go to the Spirit Tree.

Unnamed Spirit Fighter: Yes, my lady. THE REST OF YOU!!! HOLD YOUR GROUND!!!

The spirits clash the demons, as some spirits were cut down and slain. More hordes were coming into the forest. Mother runs towards the Spirit Tree. She looks up as the tree tries using its power to cleanse some of the storm. As Mother finally arrived, a large armored figured came out of the tree line. This demon was as half as tall as the Spirit Tree. It's armor was as black as night, surrounded with a purple aura. This demon was named Lord Raxarus. Raxarus ruled a world known as Synthar, a near by planet in the same solar system as the world of Nibel. The demon lord has opened a portal, connecting the two worlds together. The demon lord approaches to the Spirit Tree.

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