Explaining Au

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in this story Izuku has a villainous side of him that was locked away by his elder sister who disappeared along with his father. His mother blamed him for his father and sister leaving but in reality she was blinded and controlled by something... well someone named bitch- I MEAN All Might, and something else he did was try to rape the extremely deadly green bean. His elder sisters name is Morana while most think that's her villain name, it's not, she has no villain name. Since she can kill 350 people within 2-3 minutes, therefor she became the true number one villain, she was expelled from U.A because she was stronger then Bitch- I MEAN All might(totally not Bitch Might) S is another nickname for her, as well as mother, mom, or mama...most know her as the mother of the LOV and the most dangerous villain that hero's would have to face, even AFO is afraid of her when she's mad along with when our ' innocent little cinnamon roll' is angry she is also extremely over protective of her family, the LOV, and some hero's. Bakugo did bully Deku but he was forced in this au Bakugo is a little soft but covers it by being rude and aggressive. Shinsou is a U.A traitor along with Izuku and Mineta(he's not a perv) but Morana is training him with his quirk and he can look like this now(the picture above when you first start to read). anyway the reasons why Shinsou is a traitor is because he was bullied and abandoned for his quirk as well as Mineta, but he wasn't abandoned he was just abused which gave him a beautiful gift called ✨trauma✨. in this au Kirishima has a crush on Bakubabe and doesn't really like Deku.

enjoy! since this is all I can think of right now but I will add more to this part when more comes to me!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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