Five Years

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Five years
It's been five years already. And even today i feel like it just happened yesterday.
Everything about these 5 years is still crystal clear in my mind, all the memories are still afresh.
Never can i forget the day when i felt love for the first time, the feeling was new to a nerd who was never interested in anything but books, the way my heart beat fast when i caught a glimpse of you, overwhelmed me. This whole feeling was completely foreign to me and i had no idea how to handle it.
As each day passed i started getting used to it. Initially it was so heartwarming to see your smile or just talk to you for a few minutes. I would consider myself lucky if i got a chance to write notes for you (typically nerdy i know) but i was hopelessly in love.
I loved the way my heart fluttered seeing your smile and the way butterflies danced in my stomach when you talked to me. I would look forward to each day just to see you. My boring life had gotten a new meaning.
But Alas! Love is not just about unicorns, rainbows and butterflies. It's a sweet poison. And the part that hurts the most is one-sided love.. Seeing you with other girls wasn't easy. I cried, I somehow convinced myself that one day you would realise the love that i have for you but you didn't notice me, because only beauty caught your eye.
They say "Love makes you do things that  you never thought you'd do"  that's exactly what happened. Never had i thought i would have the courage to confess my love for you but i had to do it because i silently hoped that you liked me too. And i confessed my love to you in the most cliché manner..a letter.
A letter full of feelings, which you chose to show your girlfriend and made fun of my love.
Hurt, i moved away from your life but helped you whenever you needed me.
And then one day when you broke up with your girlfriend, it suddenly dawned to you that you loved me.
Oh How happy i was! I was literally on cloud nine because it felt like a dream come true.
The way i used to read our chats again and again. The way my heart skipped a beat when your name flashed on the phone screen. The way i blushed when you said my name. I almost felt it was a fairy tale. You gave me a forever within numbered days.
But too soon i was woken up from my dream. And all my dreams crashed in a moment. Oh How naive i was! I should have known that you just wanted someone to be with and you didn't really love me.
And it was so surprising to see you move on so fast and leave me just there where i was.
Today as i look back at those five years of having a crush, five years of loving someone deeply, five years of hurt, five years of pain, i think they just went in vain. Maybe i could have avoided it, maybe it was bound to happen. But all it taught me was a nice lesson.
And today after five years i have realised how foolish i was to hold on to you for so long. It's useless waiting for someone who is not your worth. And today i finally feel free from that naive crush, waiting to love and to be loved.

This is my first work on Wattpad. I apologise for the errors. I write because I like, I am not a professional.
Wattpad stories have always been my inspiration to write.
I hope you'd appreciate it. It'd really encourage me to write more.
Any kind of feedback is welcome.

Thank you.

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