Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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"Scott!" I called, and I knew he heard me, with his werewolf hearing he could hear anything within the school if he tried. Hearing me in the hallway shouldn't be hard.

But even with that, he barely looked back as he rounded the corner. I sped up, and when I ran around the corner I couldn't see him. Like he vanished.

I let out a sigh as I turned around, walking back towards class. When I entered I saw Lydia in the front row. I moved silently past her as she stared straight ahead. She didn't look my way the entire hour. Still as a statue.

When the bell rang she jumped from her seat and exited quicker than anyone else, even the teacher was a bit stunned. My shoulders slumped further as I slowly gathered my things. Being the last one out my teacher nodded to me.

I couldn't even find the energy to nod back. My day followed a similar pattern. See someone in the hall, gone the next second. See someone in class, they won't even look at me. This had been going on for the past two months. Two months since the Nogitsune was killed. Two months since the Nogitsune used my body to make me kill Allison and Aiden. Lydia's boyfriend, and her best friend. Isaac's best friend, it could've been more with time no doubt. And Scott's first love.

I had inadvertently caused a twin to lose a brother, and a father to lose his only daughter.

So did I blame any of them for ignoring me, and pretending like I didn't exist?

How could I?

In a way, it was my fault. I should've tried harder... I should've done something... Anything...

But I didn't...

So I sat by myself. I stopped trying to talk to them. I sat in the back of the room. I stopped texting them. I stopped coming to lacrosse practice.

When I heard a roar in the middle of the night I felt a small pull. But I knew if I went, something bad would happen, or I could become a burden... Again...

Then the pull went away. I wasn't needed. I wasn't wanted.

Dad was getting more and more worried about me, during dinner I would for the most part just pick at my food. Then the look he gives me would probably get on my nerves and I would stand up and leave. Untouched dinner in my wake.

I watched from afar as my ex-friends sat at their regular table. Scott had a beta now, he looked nice enough. Though I've only seen him from a distance.

More time passed, and the first clue that something was going on with the pack was when their names got printed out on a sheet of paper. And it wouldn't stop printing. The only thing that stopped it was unplugging the printer.

Once I did that I had a mess of paper on the floor, Scott's name was the highest number on the list.

I grabbed the stack of paper and when I got to school I didn't pause. I didn't give him a warning or a shout for him to run away. He was standing next to his locker. Looking at his phone, a worried expression on his face.

I was 5 feet away before he noticed anything and when he looked up I was one foot from him, shoving the pile of paper into his chest.

"I don't care if you for some reason thought that the way to honor Allison was to throw me out. That just because you lost one friend you had to go lose another. And I don't care if your stupid pack is on a hitlist. Just keep it out of my house!"

I had more to say, I could've yelled at him for hours. But people were listening in. Now Scott was the center of attention. His face went through many different expressions as the papers spilled from his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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