The Beginning

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Blooms P.OV
"Mum I'm going for a walk in the park" "Ok sweety just be back by dinner" "Ok, bye" "bye". As I was walking in the park here was a really fast flash of dark blackness, then all of a sudden someone bit my neck and then someone else shot a bolt of ice at my heart and then they left. When I woke up I was leaning up against a tree and there was to books lying on the ground next to me, I picked them up and they said 'Vampire Guides and Ice power guide'. O no how did this happen oh right last night how am I going to explain why I didn't come home last night. I got up and walked home when I arruved there my earth mum Vanessa was lying on the couch looking worried. When I walked in she jupmed off the couch and pulled me in for a hug but unfortunately I had the urge to attack her so I quickly pulled out and ran to my room and locked the door and quickly started packing my stuff ready for school. When I finished I opended a portal to Magix and walked in.

Ok I know that was very short but it is my first story ever so dont jugde

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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