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There was a girl who was not herself ,at all. She couldn't be the real her ; not in this world. She always had to hide herself , from her parents, from her friends ,almost everyone. She was afraid if others saw the real her , they would make fun of her, laugh at her and think that she's crazy and so dramatic. Others got all the help they could from her. But, people being people forget those things in a second . They only care about themselves. They come to random conclusions without even taking a single glance at what the real situation is. Yes, she may have done things , the things that she's not supposed not to do for a long time according to the opinions of the society, of course. The girl was not allowed to spend her childhood happily.

One day, this girl was doing her studies in her room and as usual her parents thought that she was doing another instead. Her father entered her room to see what she was doing in her room  and instead of seeing her actually spending time on studies and being happy what he only saw was the phone that was staying beside her. And did he saw what was actually on its screen and did he dare ask her why she was using it? No. He shouted loudly that the girl was always on her phone and it made her heart ache so much and her mother started to shout from the kitchen as well and just like that ,her father left. The girl was in so much pain , but she did not cry ; not atleast loud enough for others to hear. She cried silently inside her room continuing her work. She had learnt over the past years that if someone explains that they have misunderstood something, the other party would definitely accuse you of being unpolite. So, she did not tell what she was really doing. They would definitely scold her saying ," How dare you talk back!" It's the universal truth. And if someone sees you crying, they would definitely tell you not to be so dramatic and that you're a grown-up now and you're crying for silly things. But do not we have the freedom to relieve our pain? Do not we have the right to let out our pains? Do not we have the right to be alone for even a single second? Why do people always look at us with doubts? She felt pressured from all , more than ever. While she was in so much pain , she could hear the others in the house talking about her in such a rude manner. She couldn't take it anymore; she had been holding for such a long time.

Your parents must have asked you if they have come into wrong conclusions about your doings, to explain the truth to them calmly. But have they really thought how you would be feeling in such times for you to tell the truth without shouting? How do they expect a human to act calmly at a moment like that?; when you've been accused for what you haven't done. Even if they think that the reasons we give later for our behaviours at the time are silly, only the person experiencing that know what a mental anguish he's suffering. No one's able to act calm at times like that.

Children are not given any freedom to express their own ideas, to chase after their passions, to be their real selves. Using the fact that the childrens' or may I say, the dependants' guardians are the parents, the whole adult generation is now controlling us. We're supposed to dress like they want, we're to take every important decision as they want , and we're to talk when they want us to talk and we're even to become what they demand us to become.

This girl , she tried so hard not to let others hear her sobs, but she couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't just sit their when others were talking such things about her. She screamed so loud and let out her pain. Yes, as usual others shouted at her for being so loud. And she was used to it. And letting out what she had been holding for so long felt so nice rather. And she made a note to herself that she would not be speechless; not anymore and that she would not let a single second to waste caring about what others would think of her.

Children and young women are humanbeings as well. The world would not exist without them. They have to have their own rights to talk, to make their own decisions, to be free. Yes, the law is there too. But is it successful? Would children dare to stand for themselves against adults? Parents are supposed to support the children to achieve their dreams instead of controlling them like puppets. Let them choose what they really want !Don't jump into conclusions! Trust them and pave the path for them to be their real selves!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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