-Highschool DxD-

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Title: The Humanity Of DxD

Story Description:

What Does It Mean To Be Human?

In a supernatural world with gods, angels, devils and other beings that either exploit, kill or look down on people...One would wonder why we were made...?

Enter Zensaku, a young troubled teen who bounces from foster home to foster home who moves to Kuoh Town with his foster uncle for probation. Watch his story as he tries to navigate through the world of supernatural forces and find his role in the world, will he be able to save his heart or will his fate meet with ruin.

- #highschooldxd
- #hsdxd
- #lightnovel
- #harem
- #smallharem
- #romance
- #fanfiction
- #fanfic
- #oc's
- #ocxcanon
- #crossover
- #persona5

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