The Truth: One Shot

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Author's notes: Hello everyone, Thank You for deciding to read my one short story of Thyme and Gorya. I wasn't satisfied with how they didn't talk about his mother's lie and betrayal which led to Gorya breaking with Thyme in the first place. In the manga and all other adaptations, Gorya (Makino Tsukushi) is honest with him. He is livid! I decided we should have gotten that scene per say instead of Thyme not even having a chance to speak with Gorya. I hope you enjoy my one short. This is my first story of the love between Thyme and Gorya. I will, without a doubt, add more stories of them. Scenes which are in ALL other adaptions of the Hana Yori Dango/Boys Over Flowers franchise.  

Thank You.


Thyme felt a vibration from his cell phone. It was Kavin announcing Gorya was on her way to see him. He felt like an accomplished man. First his presentation went well. And now the girl he loved was on her way to him. He couldn't contain the smile that was plastered on his face.

He was drawn out of his thoughts with Tia telling him she would, 'take it from there'. He smiled, wording, 'Thanks', opening the two doors as fast as he could, running out of the office as fast as he could. At the same time ignoring all the reporters.

Gorya was led into the building with the assistance of the F3. She found herself in the parking lot, taking a different route to meet Thyme. Kavin stopped, announcing Thyme, 'How about that? He did it!'.

Gorya eyes sparkled. She was so proud of him! It was Ren who brought her out of her thoughts. "Let's go." He stated. She loved Thyme so very much. The necklace Thyme had given her a year ago was hanging on her delicate neck for all those to see he was her choice.

Thyme was running, making his way to the corridor where they would meet. He hated waiting but for her, he would do anything.

Gorya stopped to re-lace a sneaker. Ren had told her point blank, "We're going to deliver you to him and congratulate him. We'll leave you two alone at that point."

MJ nodded his head in agreement. "One staircase left."

Gorya ran a hand to caress the shooting star necklace. She ran up the steps as fast as she could. Opening the staircase door, she surveyed her surrounds. She noticed they were in the lobby of the Parama Group now. Not surprising; there he was, leaning against a glass wall in a gray suit looking ever so handsome. The F3 were right behind her. He straightened himself out the moment he saw her. The F3 were by his side in an instant. MJ gripping his Shoulder in improvement. Kavin shaking his hand and lastly, Ren smiling at him.

However much Thyme smiled when he saw his friends, the one who he needed was Gorya. He stared at the necklace he gave her.

He moved closer to her, smiling, the same way he did the time the same night Ren had said, 'You shouted out loud and proud at the mall that he's your boyfriend.'

She stared up at him, his eyes locking with hers. It was Kavin who brought them out of their thoughts, "And I see we're no longer wanted." He smiled, tapping Thyme's back. MJ nodded in agreement, pointing at both of them. Ren smiled at Gorya. "Gorya, have the courage to tell him what really happened that rainy night." Ren went to joy the F2 and leave them. "And Thyme, fight for what you want."

Thyme brushed his fingers over the Necklace. "You went back for it...why?"

Gorya lowered her head. Thyme's eyes widened in disbelief. She hugged him, in the middle of the office. Moving her hands up, she cupped his face gently. "It wasn't true. None of it." She whispered. Gorya had never felt regret like she did at this moment. He was staring at her the identical way he looked when she told him, "I asked you to put on the necklace for me meaning I said yes."

Thyme was staring at her. "I'm listening."

Gorya wasn't ready to see his mother but she also knew how his mind worked. He wouldn't postpone this conversation. She told him everything that happened that day. Right down to the fact his Mother lied about having Cancer. "I never would have-"

Thyme stared at her. "You never would have what?" He whispered. Thyme knew the fact that she was here meant that he had another chance and he would be an idiot to let his anger or the pain he felt run away with him. Gorya lowered her hands from his face. He gripped her shoulders. "You never would have taken the Money or broken up with me?

Gorya looked deep into Thyme's eyes. "Both." She replied, she wouldn't stop the tears that leaked from her eyes. "Your Mother showed me a false medical document and I was stupid enough to believe her. Ren told me his family sees each of the F4 families. Your Mother asked me to break your heart so you would go back to your old self. I love you so much that I was willing to let you hate me and you would have a new world. One where you are brilliant and successful."

Thyme closed his eyes. He felt like a Prick. Ren was right. His New World had everything to do with Gorya. He wasn't happy without her by his side to share in his achievements. For his sake, she sacrificed her happiness for his Mother's lies and to make him successful. He cupped her face gently. "Gorya," He whispered, "The moment I earned your love I was successful." He smiled at her again. "Didn't I tell you already? You made me want to change, you made me want to prove that I deserve you." Thyme caressed her face. "You accepted me, cared for me, worried for me, loved me, not my name."

All the anguish he felt on that rainy night, as he kneeled before Gorya, just vanished. Before him, was girl he intended to marry, one day, and build a family with. There wouldn't be another woman in his life...ever. Thyme brushed her tears away the exact moment she said, "I'm so sorry, Thyme."

Thyme smiled, lowering his hands. "Let me ask you something. The same question from that night."

Gorya nodded her head slowly. "Gorya, have you ever, even once, saw me as an ordinary man?"

Gorya stared up at this kind man. This time, she raised her hands and re-cupped his face in her hands. "Many times. You're loving and you have a protective nature, you're an idiot at times. You're always jumping to conclusions and your rashness is what makes you ordinary, Thyme. I love you."

He lowered his head, planting his lips on her own.

It was then he saw the a Masked man enter the Parama Group. He saw the mask man he recognized as Mr. Lee. Kissing her forehead quickly, he went to follow the man. Before he knew what happened, he was laying in his own blood. Tia, his mother and Gorya watched in complete horror.

The TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora