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All of them. Every single one of them was drunk.

    Chay was used to it. He had been in this position before. He was usually the one to be left sober and take care of everyone else. Nothing new.

    He sat at the bar this Halloween night with a wine glass full of water, watching his friends and everyone in his class lose their minds on the dancefloor. He scratched at his itchy fake mustache. Not one drunk person who came to talk to him even realized what his costume was. Who didn't know who Freddie Mercury was? An icon!

    As soon as the beat dropped, a scary joker face was staring straight at him. He jumped in the bar stool, almost falling off completely before catching himself. "Macau!" Chay swatted at the other, but Macau just laughed in his costume.

    "Come on Freddie, sing us a songgggg."

    God. Macau was drunk. He was always much more vocal than when he was sober and trying to act like an innocent angel. "Nooooo. How many times do I have to tell you?" He flicked Macau's forehead and turned around to face the bar.

    Macau rubbed the red spot on his face and sat next to Chay. "Why notttt?" He whined and rested his face on Chay's arm. So clingy, this one.
     "Mali and Ploy are drunk as hell. Who do you think is going to take them home?"

    "But Mali just called her sister to pick them up?"
    "What?!" Chay snapped his neck to look back at the dancefloor. Sure enough, the girls were walking off, hanging onto each other as they made their way to the bar.

    "Chay! My sister is *burp* here. Did you want a ride?"

    Chay was disappointed. If they were going to call someone then he could've drank at least a tiny bit.

    "I can take him home!" Macau chimed in before Chay could answer.

    "Fine then. Take care of him, will you?" Macau nodded at Ploy as she carried Mali out the doors.

    "What makes you think I wanted to stay?" Chay scoffed.

    "You didn't say no." Macau teased, but he was right. For some reason Chay didn't object. Maybe because boredom had consumed him and for once he just wanted to let loose.

    "You're drunk. How can you assure I'll make it home in one piece?" The thought was hilarious. Macau wasn't that type of person. He could barely make it to classes on time every morning.

    "Iiiiii..." Macau whipped out his phone and batted his lashes as he held up the screen for Chay to see. "...have my driver on speed-dial."

    "Fine. Drinks are on you tonight, though." Chay crossed his arms and pretended to be annoyed when really he was the most excited he had been in a long time.

    "Deal!" Macau reached into his pockets and took out two giant wads of cash.

    Chay glanced back and his eyes grew wide. "Macau!" He grabbed Macau's hands and shoved them back into his pockets. "Who the fuck has that much cash on hand?!"

    "You said you wanted drinks?" Oh how Macau was so cute when he was clueless.

    Chay snapped out of it the second he thought it. Macau? This big dummy in front of him? He didn't like Macau. If anything he was annoying, with his stupid perfect hair and unbeatable popularity in college. Sure, he had problems with math, but people jumped at the opportunity to help him. And yet, who did he always call? Chay.

    "I don't need THAT much. I want to walk out on my own two feet, thank you."

    "Okay, okay. Whatever you say."

    Not one, not two, not even three, but four shots and some beers later, the boys were tipsy.

    Chay never had so much fun in his life! He was a little dizzy, but nothing some hangover soup could fix the next morning. They danced and joked and even sang karaoke.

    "I don't feel so good." Chay's stomach was uneasy and he had started to get the chills. He held onto his arms as they left the dancefloor.

    "Here." Macau took off his blazer and helped Chay put it on. "Perfect."

    Chay could barely hear the last word. "Huh?"

    "Nothing," Macau insisted.

    "I think...Oh no..." Chay held his hands over his mouth and he ran to the restrooms with Macau running after him.

    Macau lifted the mustache off and before Chay could say "Ow" he was already on the ground with his face over the toilet bowl, releasing whatever he had consumed that night. Macau stood there and brushed his hair from his face.

    The feeling was comforting as it could be as Chay hurled some more. He couldn't think straight at a time like this. Who could?

    Macau lifted Chay up and they left the restrooms after Chay cleaned himself up and Macau lightly slapped the mustache back on his upper lip. Chay gave him a glare as they sat at the bar and drank some water. Macau called for his driver and they waited there, talking about everything and nothing.

    Macau wasn't so bad. Chay couldn't remember why he thought he was so annoying in the first place. Maybe it was the way Macau had everything. Girls and guys alike were at his feet at the drop of a hat. He had everyone wrapped around his finger. Except for Chay.

    That's exactly why Macau liked him so much. Chay didn't care about Macau's family name or how much money he had. He treated Macau like a real person. He was honest, brutally honest, all the time. Macau could only smile at the shady insults because no one else dared tell him anything. Chay was the only one.

    "Our ride is here!"

    Chay walked next to Macau on the way out. "You know, you're not so bad." He smiled to himself.

    Before he knew it, Macau had leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Good."

    Chay paused and held his cheek as Macau walked ahead. "Hey. What was that for?" He wanted to sound angry, but what came out was more confused.

    Macau kept walking, grinning ear to ear. "I like you." He had liked Chay for years, since he transfered to the same college. Everything Chay said or did, Macau had gushed over secretly. Tonight was no different. Chay drank with him, wore his coat, and even admitted that Macau wasn't so bad. All of these things and alcohol combined gave Macau the confidence to finally confess.

    Macau opened the door and held it for Chay. "Coming?"

    Chay's stomach was stirring, and it wasn't the booze. A new feeling had occurred, for Macau nonetheless.

    Chay got in the backseat first, and Macau sat on the other side with his hand resting in between them. Chay glanced down at it. It was gentle, like when Macau held his hair from his face. It seemed soft, yet strong, like when Macau picked him up off the floor.

    What could it hurt?

    Chay slid his hand over Macau's and intertwined their fingers. His heart was racing, but it stilled as Macau lightly squeezed. They sat like that, holding hands and looking out their windows, smiling to themselves and not saying a word.


    Chay nibbled on his thumb as he stared at his phone in bed. He was anxiously waiting on something he never thought twice about before. A text. A call. Anything from Macau to let him know that it wasn't a mistake.

    He almost jumped from excitement as his phone finally pinged.

Macau: You can keep the jacket :)
Chay: I wasn't going to give it back anyway...

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