Dinner time (scenerio) 🌻🌾🌵

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Preview (At first Drayton didn't approve of you and bubba dating, he thought it was gross and a waste of precious time, chop top thought otherwise, he actually took a liking to you cause you would introduce him to many music artists. Grandpa approved of you and bubba the minute he saw bubba hide you behind him, bubba was scared about what his brothers would do to you and him, you were scared can't lie, but you couldn't let the only person who understood you go so you bravery stood in front.)

Currently you were seated in the middle of the dinning table, grandpa was at the end left side of the table licking a spoon spalshed in chilli, you giggled at the show grandpa was giving you; since you don't eat humans, Drayton forced Bubba to help make real "human" food for you, every now and then you would hear pig squeals coming from the kitchen, you would twirl in your squeaky chair towards the kitchen entrance; the sound would make bubba run towards the entrance and wave at you making a happy shriek ensuring you that everything was fine, you would smile but in the middle of your sweet moment drayton would make the LOUDEST sigh ever and "gently" pull bubba back to the kitchen.

Y/n frowned at the now empty entrance and turned her chair back towards the table, a faint grunt was heard, that made y/n tilt her head towards grandpa, "Grandpa is everything okay?" She asked. She got a lively nod from grandpa who went back to dipping the spoon back in the chilli and licking the access away, that made y/n laugh.

Some sloppy singing was heard coming from upstairs, "I wonder who that is~" y/n loudly whispered towards grandpa who just gave her a dim chuckle. "No stop signs speed limit nobody's gonna slow me down like a- HEY what are you two chattin bout?" Chop Top teasingly said as he approached you and grandpa at the table. "Nun'" grandpa said, "uh huh" chop top added sarcastically y/n smiled at choptop and gramps chatting their time away, she turned her attention from them to the shrieks coming from the kitchen. Y/n refused to go near the kitchen entrance after Drayton threatened to hit Bubba 🙄

* Time skip few minutes later * 🗿💁‍♀️😏🫂

Chaos was heard in the kitchen but seconds later bubba came out holding a white plate with meat and veggies on the side. He walked towards y/n ignoring chop top and his teasing about them dating, he let out a huff and a smile formed on his lips, his tongue would stick out here and there making y/n giggle at his form. "Wow is this for me bubba?" She asked, making bubba rapidly nod his head playing with his fingers, y/n grabbed his hands afraid he would make himself dizzy 😭

She stood up and grabbed bubbas face with both of her hands, planting a sweet kiss on both of his cheeks, he made a happy shriek and bear hugged her, "thank you for the meal bubs" she said making him nod happily.

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