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Do you know what it feels like to have such an important decision to make, but it ended up being made for you; something that could potentially put you in danger or make a drastic change in and about your life.

This is becoming a real fear to thousands of women in the United States, not to mention women across the world who are already living such a reality. There are a lot of main points for the pro-choice agenda. I will be explaining why abortion needs to stay legal, how to keep it legal, and the dangers of banning abortion.

As someone who does have a uterus and has spent my teenage years listening to the pro-life side of abortion, I feel I have a good understanding to be able to educate others.

what does pro-choice mean?

Pro choice, by definition, is the advocation for legalized abortion. However, if you ask most pro-choice people, they will say the right for someone to chose what to do with their body.


There are many reasons why abortion needs to stay legal.

My first topic is bodily autonomy.

Bodily autonomy, by definition, is the right to govern over ones body. This is protected under the 14th Amendment amongst other things.

As an example, let's say someone was dying and they needed a kidney transplant to survive, and you had the exact kidney this person needs to live. They cannot force you to give up an organ even if it had no harm to you. It's your choice.

There are a lot of issues and complications that tend to arise for pregnant people. Ectopic pregnancy is a serious complication. In simple terms, an ectopic pregnancy a fertilized egg outside of the uterus. There is no way of carrying the fetus to term. The fetus would have zero chance of survival and if left untreated, the woman's chances of surviving is small. This affects 1 in 100 pregnancies and is a medically necessary need for abortion.

While pregnancies due to rape and incest don't account for a huge percentage of pregnancy, banning abortion would still leave these women and children without an option. To make matters worse, Tennessee and Texas has a law that would allow a rapists family to sue victims for having an abortion.

Let's talk about the technicalities of pregnancy. Most women do not find out they're pregnant until about the 5 and 6 week of pregnancy. When it comes to states like Texas, Georgia, and Ohio that ban abortion after the 6th week, it's too late to make such an important decision. This is not to even mention women who have irregular periods. The heartbeat bill was made as to protect life after cardiac activity, however, such activity is not that of an actual heart. It's actually a group of cells that fire electrical signals.

Speaking for most uterus owners in the United States, this isn't going to effect everyone. States that have been blue are most likely going to keep abortion legalized, however, those in red and swing states are at risk.

There are women who will probably be fine and be able to go to a different state if needed, but those who are poor and do not have the privilege to do so are going to suffer.

. A solution for all these troubles would be to vote against people who want to take abortion rights away and to educate those who are pro-life.

Protests and activism. While this doesn't hold direct effects on the issue, it does help to spread the word and gain attention to important causes. It also gives women and other uterus owners a chance to share their stories and show it's not a simple as someone getting pregnant and getting an abortion.

The other sides argument about abortion is it's murder, however, this argument is backed by religion. "Life starts at conception" is a phrase a lot of pro-life people use. It is a Christian belief woved from the Bible.

Now let's share the reality of criminalizing abortion.

Woman had to carry her dead fetus for two weeks because of heartbeat bill in Texas

About 10- 20 percent of pregnancies unfortunately result in miscarriages, most happening in the first trimester. It is no secret women have been prosecuted for miscarriages and stillborns before the overturn happened. Women are afraid to seek medical attention because if a doctor believes it wasn't a natural miscarriage, they could be suspected for murder.

Woman forced to travel for abortion for a high risk pregnancy

Women who are unable to travel for an abortion may seek for self abortions. This could be extremely dangerous and end up wounding and killing a lot of women.

In the end, criminalizing abortion is not going to end it. It's just going to increase harm and fear to women.

As you can see, this road is scary. This doesn't just impact strangers. It's your sister, mother, daughter, aunt, grandmother. Fight did them

Wouldn't you want others to fight for rights over your own body? It's time to be a voice for others and vote for your state.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2022 ⏰

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