Charlie and Lola: Can I Please Sleep With You?

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Charlie was sitting on the couch, leaning on the couch arm and resting his head in his hand.

"I have this little sister Lola. She is small and very funny." Charlie said

 Lola ran in front of the couch, pretending to be an aeroplane while making aeroplane noises. Charlie watched on, smiling.

"Look at me Charlie! I'm a plane!" Lola said, continuing to run.

"Mum and dad are about to leave to go on a date, so a sitter's going to be watching us." said Charlie

Charlie looked at Lola.

"Lola, you need to wind down now. Mum and dad are going to leave soon, and we have to go to bed before the sitter arrives."

Lola stopped running around.

"But Charlie, I'm not even tired!" Lola protested

"That's what you always say Lola, but as soon as you get in bed you fall asleep. Come on. I'll read you a story, alright?"

 "Oh ok Charlie." said Lola. Lola then crossed her legs. "But erm, there's something that I need to do first."


Charlie was standing outside the bathroom door, tapping his foot. Lola then walked out as flushing was heard.

"All done!" said Lola

"Right. Let's go to bed then." said Charlie

Charlie and Lola walked into their room and Charlie shut the door.

"Ok Lola, you go snuggle up in my bed, and I'll pick out a book." said Charlie

 Charlie looked through the bookshelf, and picked out the book Goodnight Moon. He then walked back to his bed, turning the room light off on the way, and laid down next to Lola while also turning his bedside lamp on. Charlie then wrapped his arm around Lola, and Lola leaned against Charlie. Charlie then began to read.


"Goodnight noises everywhere." Charlie finished, closing the book.

"Ok Lola, time for you to get in your bed now." said Charlie

 "Ok Charlie. Night." said Lola

 "Night Lola." said Charlie

 Lola got out of Charlie's bed and into her own. But as she lay there, she became nervous. She looked into the closet, of which the door was cracked, and she swore she saw someone, or something, standing inside. She then noticed that she couldn't see a thing. Lola whimpered and pulled the covers up to her nose. Then, she heard a windy noise that sounded like like a ghost, which caused her to jump a bit. Then, she heard something bump. And then, she heard the wall make some sort of popping noise. Lola was now really scared. 

"Charlie, are you awake? Charlie!" said Lola

 Charlie sat up in his bed and turned his lamp on, then looked over.

 "*yawn* What's the matter Lola?" Charlie asked, tired and a bit annoyed.

"I saw something in the closet, and I keep hearing noises in the dark! They're really scary!" Lola said, on the verge of tears.

 Charlie heard the tone in Lola's voice and realized she was truly frightened. 

"Alright. Come here." said Charlie, who was now sitting on the side of his bed.

 Lola got up out of her bed and rushed over to Charlie's, climbing in and hugging his waist tightly, and digging her face into his chest as well. She then began softly crying. Charlie wrapped both arms around the small girl.

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