Channing On Ma Tatum

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Leahs POV

I'm really not in the mood for this. My friend is insisting on going to a strip club for a ladies night tonight, and I just wasn't feeling it. Mostly because I had recently just broken up with my boyfriend of 2 years after finding out he had been cheating on me for the past five months. So for the past 3 weeks I had been spending my time on the sofa with tubs of Ben and Jerrys watching netflixs. Besides the time I had to go to my job as a book publisher. Not the most fun job in the world but it pays for Ben and Jerrys. But she didn't approve of me doing this for the rest of my life, even though I insisted on it.

'Come on you need to get out and have fun, you need to forget about him he was a douche.'


'You can't just spend the rest of your life sat in the dark, eating your weight in ice-cream' She picks up a half empty tub that had turned runny and had gone off as it had been sitting there for the past 3 days. I snatched it from her hands.

'Watch me' I got up from my spot and walked to the kitchen to bin the tub.

'Eeeer' She groaned from the other room. After a moment of silence I hear her stilettos clicking on the marble floor of my apartment.

'Right how bout this, we go out tonight, get you all prettied up and nice clothes and stuff, and if you end up having a great night we'll do it more often, BUT if for some strange reason you don't I will pay for a whole months worth of B&J. Deal?'

Wow that was difficult, on the one hand I don't want to leave, but on the other hand.....I hadn't gotten laid in three weeks. And free B&J so that was good.

'OK, deal'

'OH MY GOSH YES!' And with that she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards my bedroom and pushed me into my on-suite.

'First things first, girl you need to get rid of your BO, when was the last time you had a shower?!'




After having every hair plucked from my body, and a crayon looking like it raped my face, and a dress not even a prostitute would wear. I'm ready to go!

OK I lied, she actually did a really good job, I had smokey eyes with a natural colour lipstick, and a zip up green dress that came up to my knees. My black shoulder length hair was in nice beach waves. I actually looked.... good.

'Ah you look beautiful!' she squealed 'Here the finishing touch' she handed me a pair of black toms.

'Toms? Really?' She nodded her head in excitement. I slipped them on and grabbed my black shoulder bag with my purse keys and phone inside, with the occasional business card.



The club wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be, and it was a quite clean place, no sticky tables, no pint glasses everywhere. Well duh this is a woman's club of course its gunna be tidy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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