I See a fresh start

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Bonnie Bennett

Gradma always tells me that there comes a year in our lives when things are going to get tough in our lives. And she's right my friends are going through a lot of tough stuff in their lives right now.

Elena lost her parents and doesn't really show how she feels about it, but l see it and she doesn't need to tell us now because in time she will.

Caroline is always happy, she called me a lot in the summer, she even told me that she spent a lot of time with her mother. She goes through a difficult time with her father, he travels and works a lot, and she feels bad about it.

Matt recently broke up with Elena, but he's still hurt and keeps pulling Viki out of her troubles.

And Tyler's still the same kid he's always been, picking fights, vying for Viki with Jeremy.

And Jeremy, Elena younger brother, thinks that the solution to grieving alone is using drugs, he even thinks that drugs can bring Viki closer to him but l think she's only interested in drugs.

Well l'm in front of the mirror now looking at myself and ready for the first day of school.

l go downstairs and find grandma sitting reading her newspaper, my grandma is all i have but my dad.

-Good Morning Grandma. I say smiling and I go to her side of the sofa and give her a hug and a kiss on her cheek, she gave a small smile and as soon as I separaled from her I saw her taking the cup of tea and took a small sip.

-Good Morning, dear. l said smiling and saw in the newspaper talking about deaths in the forests of Virginia.

-I'm going to class and I'm going to get Elena grandma. I say holding my school bag on my shoulder and she smiles, but soon after she has a worried look.

-After school, go back to Bonnie's school, she's been having attacks in the city.

-Okay grandma I'II be home early. I say and say goodbye to her and go to my car and get in and start the car, and turn on my radio playing a Katy Perry firework song.

I was humming low to Elena's house, I just stopped the car and honked twice and saw her open the door of her house and leave with her backpack and get in the car.

I smiled when I saw her and hugged her, missing her so much. After letting go of the hug, she put on her seat belt and started driving to school.

"How are you ?" I ask and she looks at me thoughtfully at my question.

-I don't know...every time I wake up I feel like I'm going to live this every day, everyone asking me if I'm okay and...Bonnie, do you think that good things can happen this year. Against your pain.

I kept walking and looked at her and sighed.

-I see a fresh start and that our lives from this year will be the best. I say smiling and Elena smiled in response and out of nowhere everything so fast something hit the car making me turn the steering wheel and scared the car brake, and I looked at Elena and she around.

-Elena you're fine. I say to her and scared like me she looked at me and nodded.

-But what was that? I said looking for the bird that had hit the car window.

-I don't know....but he's already gone. I say and drive back to school and turn up the radio and Elena rolls her eyes because I start singing.

She laughed at my humor and she started singing with me.

We got to school and it looked like every year when we got back, teenagers smoking weed and hookah, girls on top of football players' cars, cheerleaders chatting, and teachers arriving.

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