Chapter I

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"GET DOWN!" Desmond cried as a grenade flew over the wall into the bunker. KABOOM! It blew up, luckily taking no casualties. This battle had been going on for quite a while. Desmond ran up to a Templar soldier and unsheathed his hidden blade. He stabbed the Templar in the chest. The Templar fell to the ground. A whole squadron of Templar's were running towards Desmond. He counted twelve of them in total. This battle was a mix of guns and swords in a grueling battle seeming to last forever. The Templar's attacked Desmond. They all had swords and Desmond stabbed one in the back as he swung at him. He then parried a blow to his chest and stabbed the man in the chest. He fell to the ground as Desmond killed another two soldiers. He then span in the air and sliced at a Templar. The Templar dodged the blow and attacked back at Desmond. He easily blocked and killed the Templar. They were coming from everywhere! There were more and more of them, more than Desmond could even hope to defeat! Desmond had ran right into a trap. While the first twelve soldiers had attacked him, more soldiers had come around the back and attacked from all angles. But still, Desmond fought. He had a good cause to fight for. The Assassins. Desmond is an Assassin. His kind has fought the Templar's for centuries. This is the final battle. This will end all battles fought against the Templars. Desmond ducked underneath a blow to his head. He sliced as he slid across the ground and killed three soldiers. There were just too many of them. He didn't stand a chance. Then, all of a sudden, he was sliced at from behind. The sword pierced his skin, and he fell to the ground. He was then kicked and punched. He moaned as he rolled across the barren ground. This was it. The end of the line. A convoy of army trucks came driving towards him. He was then injected and he fell asleep. He lay there unconscious, as the Templars carried him into an army truck.

In the battle, the Assassins were still fighting but it was clear that they couldn't win the battle. The assassins were all out of strength. But then something happened. A gleaming white light came out of the sky...

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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