Oh Oh Oh, It's Magic!(or not....)

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"It's not the TVA."

"I beg your pardon?"

Loki had been eating lunch in the cafeteria, grumbling about how he could do his job better if he had access to his magic, when Ravonna sat down in front of him.

"I said, it's not the TVA itself. Magic works just fine here."

"Then what in the norns is preventing mine?!"


The God was left flabbergasted for the second time in one conversation.

"How can you say that? Mobius happens to be my dearest Lo....er friend, my dearest friend. He would never betray me in that manner."

"He doesn't do it on purpose, Loki. Magical things just seem to fizzle out when he's around. I don't think he's even aware that it's happening."

Loki had to admit it made some degree of sense. After all, both times he'd tried using his powers were when Mobius was nearby. Still....

"Are you absolutely sure it's just Mobius that affects it?"

"See for yourself, he's currently out on a mission on the timeline, so you should be able to work your wonders."

He looked from side to side and held out his palm, willing his seiðr to come forth. Sure enough, the simple fireworks spell his mother had taught him came shooting forth.

"I...I can't believe it.....so he's immune to all magic?"

"All the types we've encountered so far at least."

"Facinating," he whispered before snapping the lights back out of existence," so why tell me any of this? You've made it quite clear from the beginning that you don't like me."

Ravonna sighed and looked looked down at the table.

"It doesn't matter how I feel, the fact is Mobius likes you, and if this 'thing' going on between you two is going to continue, then you'll need to prepare to deal with a life without magic. Otherwise, someone's going to wind up getting hurt, and I'll be damned if I let it be him."

With that she stood up, and walked away, leaving Loki with quite a few things to think about.


"Tell me Mobius, what do you think about magic?"

Mobius looked up from the file he was reading to stare at Loki with a puzzled expression.

"What does that have to do with the case?"

"Nothing, just answer the question."

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