Yuletide in Pembroke Territory Part One

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Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard is Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and with her family. They are traveling west to Pembroke Territory on Star Base 12 where she is Marchioness.

Pembroke Territory was named for Pembroke, Wales where King Henry VII of England was born to Lord Edmund Tudor and Lady Margaret Beaufort and Lord Patrick William Howard named him for in honor of Pembroke Territory in 2170 and in 2190, he named his only daughter, Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard, Marchioness of Pembroke Territory where she governed it from 2190 until 2250 and it fell into abyss until 2274, when Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR named Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, the 2nd Marchioness of Pembroke Territory in honor of the birth of his first male line granddaughter, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard in 2275.

Lady Karissa decides to take her family to Pembroke Territory for three days of Yuletide and they will celebrate it Yuletide at Pembroke Castle,  which is a exact duplicate of Pembroke Castle that was destroyed during World War Three  on May 1, 2153.

Lord Patrick William Howard carried with him pictures of King Henry VII, Queen Elizabeth of York, Lady Margaret Beaufort and Lord Edmund Tudor, who were his father and mother and he also brought pictures of his noble ancestors, King Henry II, King John, Prince Richard of Cornwall, King Henry III, King Edward I,  Queen Margaret of France, and  her son, Lord Thomas and his daughter, Lady Margaret, Duchess of Norfolk along with her great-granddaughter, Lady Margaret Mowbray and her son, Lord John Howard , 1st Duke of Norfolk and King Richard III and Lord Walter Devereux. 

Lord Richard William Carey carries out the suitcases and places them into the Howard carriage that will carry Lord Andrew Charles, Lady Karissa and their children, and Lord Richard William Carey and Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence will follow in the Carey Carriage as it heads for Pembroke Territory.

Lord Andrew Charles holds Lord Albert Edward on his lap and seated by him is Lord Anthony and Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane and seats by Lady Karissa is Lady Samhain, Lady Anastasia Christina and on her lap is Lady Sophia Dorothea. 

Lady Karissa had left Lord Charles Andrew Howard III in charge of Beltane Manor until they return and the Howard and Carey carriages head for Pembroke Territory, but they plan to stop over to Essex Territory and Wessex Territory to see Lord David William Beck and Lord Richard Edward Howard II before they reach Pembroke Territory which is between Essex and Wessex Territories.

The Howard and Carey carriages drive out of Beltane Manor and the carriages drive through the streets of Bedford Territory and the people of Bedford Territory line the streets to see their handsome Duke and his two children, Lady Caroline Matilda, who is his heiress and Lord Benjamin Lawrence who is Duke of Langley Territory and his carriage leads the way  and The Howard carriage follows and  Lord Richard William waves to his people and he stands for a moment to show off his heiress to the good people of Bedford Territory and the people start to cheer when he shows her off.

The Carey carriages stops and Lord Richard William walks over to the Howard carriage and he gives Lady Karissa is hand and he helps her to step out of the Howard carriage and he calls out " Meet the mother of your future Duchess." 

The people walk up to Lady Karissa and they curtsy to her and they tells her " How we can we ever thank you for our future Duchess?"

"There is no need to thank me." Lady Karissa tells the people. " Just know that Bedford Territory is secure." and Lord Richard William walks Lady Karissa back to the Howard carriage and Lord Andrew Charles helps her to climb back into the Howard carriage and they lead for Essex Territory where Lord David William Beck is waiting at the border of Bedford and Essex Territory to ensure safe passage into Essex Territory.

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