Part 4

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Embers POV

It's been a week. I know Nasemi has been watching me. Along with Shad and Rain. I haven't been able to find the cave or Nasemi. But I have grown stronger. I have more muscle on my body. And I actually look healthy. I have found penguins taste pretty good. Especially when you grow lemons and use them on the penguin. I have made a small home for myself. It's just an ice dome. I have gained control of my ice powers. Even with a very hot fire in the dome it does not melt.

Polar bears seem to be the only predator out here. But they are no match for me. I yawn and lay down in my dome. I stretch out and look at the fire the penguin is cooking over. 'Do you think you're powerful? Do you think you're ready?' Shad asks me. I sit up and sigh. "Ready for what?" I ask. I just hear them laugh. 'Shad don't not yet. Hold back!' Rain yells. "Rain? What's happening?" I ask as pain fills my body. 'Almost every demon slayer has to go through this. Shad is fully merging with your soul. And it will make him more powerful.' Rain tells me.

I take a few deep breaths. 'You will have to fight him. To keep control over your body. And to make it so he isn't the person in the front.' Rain tells me. 'I must do this. I have held off for months now. But it is time.' Shad tells me. I swear I hear sadness in his voice. "It's alright. Just do it. I understand." I say. I hear Shad sigh and the pain gets worse. I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming as my body arches in pain. I probe the polar bear hides under my body.

I hear a few things pop and my lip starts to bleed from biting it. I feel my nails come out and the polar bear gets wet. I struggles to look down but when i do I see the once white bear, now red. I watch as blood drips from my face onto the bear rug. Slowly the pain goes away. So I try to relax as I pant. 'Is it over?' Rain asks. Suddenly the pain comes back but ten times worse the it was before. I can't hold back my screams this time. I feel like my vocal cords are being riped apart. My body shakes. After a moment the pain stops once again.

I roll over on my side and blood comes out of my mouth as I cough. I pant as I lay there. That's when i notice the fire is bigger and is burning everything in the dome besides me and the rug I am on. The dome its self has begun to melt around me. "Get it over with Shad. do it." I softly say as I lay my head down. 'I am sorry.' Shad says. The pain over comes me and within seconds darkness surrounds me and I let it take over.

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