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The 5 Lionclaw children were born in a facility on Kamino. The Kaminoans had Luman (Lion-Human) DNA that they were going to use, but they were gonna wait until they were done with the clones made from the DNA of the host, a bounty hunter, by the name of Jango Fett. The Luman DNA had seeped into the genetic makeup of the 5 kids, making them Luman clones. The only 5 in existence.

The cubs were taken away to Lumania, raised by King Augustin and Queen Julietta, alongside their daughter Princess Luisa, gift of superhuman strength. With Juhudi as the youngest, she's the future queen. The cubs were all given names the 1st time they were adopted: Pepá, Bruno, Camillo, Mirabelo and Isabela.

Camillo was walking through the halls a day or two after Isabela got her gift, and his siblings ran over at the sound of their mother's screams. They had to watch their adoptive parents get killed by bounty hunters. The cubs aunt and uncle, Ahadi and Naandi, escorted the cubs out of the castle through a secret exit, but paid the price by getting killed... or so we thought. (Plot twist, they never died). Their Abuela was spared because she was old. The cousins of the Lionclaws were spared, because Lumania needs a king and queen. But their cousins never took the throne.

Isabela and her siblings encountered Zygerrian slavers who kidnapped them and made them slaves. The 5 cubs changed their names when they became slaves. Pepá, the oldest, went by Kiara. Bruno, the 2nd-born, went by Kopa. Camillo, the 3rd-born, went by Kovu. Mirabelo, the 4th-born, by Zeka. Isabela, the 5th-born and youngest, went by Juhudi. The cubs were taken to 5 adoption centres but no one wanted them, but at the 5th one they were adopted by Anakin Skywalker and his mother.

Long story short, the mother of Anakin and the cubs died and she was single, so the cubs were orphaned for a 2nd time. All the cubs eventually found true love, so that's good.

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