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When Adam and London started dating, Adam knew that something was bad and was going to happen to him he didn't want to say this in front of London, but soon enough, he would have to know. 

London comes home from work one evening to find that their house has been broken into pieces. Blood stains and scratches litter the carpets and walls, and everything is broken in some way - the paintings, vases, and anything breakable are either ripped apart or a shattered mess on the floor In the middle of all the mess lies Adam, and as London kneels down beside their unconscious body, letting out a loud, heartbroken sob as he go, they notice a little sticky note stuck to Adam's palm. As he looked in Adam's hand the note said "I'm sorry London couldn't get him out of my head" London being more concern he check Adam's pulse his heart was still beating just very slow.still crying london call the Ambulance.the police ask him what happened "I don't know I came home then I saw blood on the walls and everything that was breakable broken then I saw him on the floor lifeless with a note in his hands" when London was saying that he was almost crying he was scared for Adam "now when you say note what did it say?"the police asked him."It's said I'm sorry, London. I just couldn't get him out of my head."bout now, he was crying hard where he couldn't speak all that London was thinking. Is Adam going to be okay? 

A time skip, bc idk

London was at the hospital looking at Adam, who was lying in the bed lifeless he not dead, though he was just unconscious it still scares him cause what if he could never wake up. london just hates when he see Adam hurt he already knew that hus childhood wasn't the best or not even the best it was horrible being neglected abused and then killing like two kids he knew Adam since 7th grade and just started dating. As London was thinking he was already crying he didn't notice it until he felt warm tears on his cheeks he wipe them off and lay his head on Adam's legs he was still staring at him but crying more I didn't know what going to happen to him. London closes his eyes and mumble to himself feeling guilty and saying how he couldn't just save him in time. None of this would happen they would be on the couch chilling. "Why are you crying dear?..." London shot his head up and looked at Adam who woke up he still looked half sleep with his eyes still droopy London was already full blown sobbing hug poor Adam who didn't know what happened until he looked around and found he was in the hospital his breathing was going quick and quicker by the minute London notices this and stop crying and trys the clam down Adam who still breathing quickly Adam already felt tears picking out of his corners of his eyes. He doesn't like the hospital there no real reason why he doesn't like hospital but he just doesn't as London was calming Adam down a nurse came into the room and went to check on them when she saw that Adam was up he ask London if he could leave the room so he can ask Adam some questions 

A little time later 

London was able to go back into the room and see Adam."Hey dear?"London said sweetly."Yea, what is it?.." Adam replied."What did they ask you?" "Just a few questions about how I'm feeling, but hey, I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow!" Adam said with a smile (one of the things he hates doing) "well that good dear, " London said, being very cheerful. London goes up to Adam and kisses his forehead,Adam froze he sometimes doesn't know what to do when he dose that at least it make London have a smile on his face as London was giggling Adam hear something in the back of his head "kill him,he not worth your time, you don't need him,your useless" Adam squeeze his eyes and holds it his head "you okay adam?" "Ah just my head hurts" Adam replied quickly but the voice in his head just got louder and louder and he swear he full on heard him right behind him he just wanted voice to go away. London was getting up then "PLEASE JUST SHUT UP!" London jump a little not really hearing Adam yell a lot but London was quick to clam down Adam as of right now he was crying he hated what was happen he was crying into London shirt sobbing uncontrollably he was tired he was tired of this shit "adam..tell me when I found you that day was it because of that?.." London asked Adam "you don't have to tell me just let me know when your ready okay dear?.."Adam froze I was because of that specific reason even tho his crying got softer he was still crying but getting sleepy so he decided to just fall asleep on London. When London notices the light snoring he softly puts Adam back into the hospital bed and kiss his forehead "sleep tight dear..."

~°tomorrow °~

Adam got discard form the hospital and and headed the way home Adam was still tried but he just wanted to sleep in his bed that he shares with London. Adam looks down at his hand while leaning on the window he didn't realize but his leg was bouncing up and down fast so London put his hand on his thigh to clam him down it ends up claiming him down once they got home Adam fell asleep on the bed along with London the voices is Adam's head has gone quieter when London was around and he like that very much. 

♡the end♡

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