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Takumi Bakugo, daughter of Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo, noticed something was off with her. She liked short hair, she didn't liked lady like things or even dresses. Her mother thought it was her tastes but it went more far than that.


Takumi was now 13 and her thoughts changed as much as her body did. She hated it, those things on her torso, it was ugly. She then wore oversized clothes to hide them, as long as she didn't saw them it was fine, she supposed.

But one day she had enough and talked to her mom about all of this "It's weird to not like my body, I'm a girl, I'm supposed to like it" she thoughts. She joined her mom who was in the main room watching TV, she paused her show when she saw her daughter.

"Hello sweetheart do you need something?" she asked, but then Takumi directly answered, "Is it weird if I don't like myself like I'm supposed to?". Mitsuki looked at her with a confused face "What do you mean by that?", she said while standing up to her daughter. "I do not like those things on me, it's ugly and I want to get rid of it. And I thought about being a boy could be nice."

Some hours later, Masaru was back home from work and saw his family still talking about Takumi's thoughts. He asked what was wrong and Mitsuki explained. Masaru thought about it as well and decided to do searches on the internet. Some minutes later he found out what was happening to her daughter.

"Trans...gender?", she never heard of that word before. "Mmh, it's someone who changed their born gender like for example you are born as a girl but you feel more comfortable as a boy, am I right?", Masaru asked and Takumi nodded. So it was figured out, Takumi was a transgender.

The next day, Takumi thought all night about his new "him" and didn't hesitate to tell his parents but since his father was at work, he obviously only told his mother.

"Old hag, I decided some shit about myself now I figured who I am", "Stop calling me that brat, go on with your thoughts." she said. "So from now on I'm a he it's logical", Mitsuki nodded and waited to her son to continue, "And umh, I want a new name. Takumi sounds... more girly."

Mitsuki was surprised but wasn't on a side, her daughter became her son now so it wasn't surprising too. "And do you have one?", "Katsuki."

"Didn't know my son had good tastes in names.", "Oh shut up old hag! I spent the freaking nigh thinking about it!", he looked down with a kind of disparate face, "Now the problems are my look, I can't be Katsuki with this shitty body", Mitsuki looked at him with compaction and smiled. "We'll fix that hun don't worry, your dad and me are here for you.", he looked away annoyed but also glad to hear that, "I don't need you help, I'm good alone."


Katsuki was now 16 and he passed UA entrance exams and was now apart of the class 1A. With the help of his parents, he fixed his female voice to something more manly and deep. But he didn't get rid of his boobs, a binder costed too much for now so his only way to hide them was oversized clothes. He never showered with the other boys so he told them to "fuck off or I'll kill you" to not show his body type to them.

Eijiro Kirishima, who became his best friend along the year, really liked him and not in any ways.

One day, Eijiro wanted to visit his best friend so he came up to his room door but overheard a phone conversation, it sounds like his mom apparently. "Hell no you won't buy this because I will!", "How! Just focus on your study I'll take care of it!", "Do you know how hard a shitty binder is to find? Almost all the websites are fake and shit.". "A binder...?", Eijiro said quietly, why would his friend to talk about this? He don't need one right?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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