Inspired by an april fools prank I did once at school.

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He sprang up from his seat knocking it over and causing other classmates to turn their heads, in a split second he had pulled back his arm clenching his fist, he threw it forward with a force that knocked me backwards when it connected, the dull thud and gasp of breath confirmed that he'd winded me.

I was now doubled over, the punch had caught me off guard and I silently cursed, rubbing my recent punched chest. HC however was relentless, he swung another punch towards my head, Instinctively I blocked the punch and countered with an upward cut to HC neck. It connected and I watched as my opponent staggered backwards violently coughing.

I curled my hand into a fist and aimed for the front of his nose. HC doged, only to get his feet swept up from under him.

He grabs my shirt, bringing me down with him. Falling on top of him. He hits me again and I taste blood. Without letting time pass, he slams his fist into my nose. Glaring, I knee him in the gut, and grab his arm. Finally cradleing his lap, with a tight grip holding his right hand behind his head. Without any context, it would look hella sus.

He lets out a sigh and tapps his left hand on the floor twice.
"Fuck! You win..." HC says, with a small smile.

"See, told you taking stage fighting classes with me would comes in handy." I wiggle my eyebrows.

April 5th 2019

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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