Monokuma's Theater #1

306 14 1


Very short, only 730 words

Just a fill in chapter to separate canon ch1 and canon ch2 , feel free to skip

Random rambling by Monokuma just like the og Monokuma theaters, same purpose as the ones in thh too

Honestly. read this in Mono's voice, cuz it feels bland otherwise 



YOU find yourself sitting inside some sort of theater, there is no one else inside and everything is quiet. 

The curtains slowly open and you are finally able to see what was behind them. A poorly decorated stage with a blood red background, coming along with a sakura tree made out of paper, there are no lights in it so therefore it is very dark.

But the thing that catches your attention is a huge white wall mounted  projector screen. The only decent looking thing in the entire stage even if it is a simple, common thing. 

Suddendly, you see a light flash somewhere nearby, and you notice that something is beign projected in the screen projector. 



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A blue screen showing a low quality video of an uncommon black and white bear, it is wearing a hat and seems to be using an old movie theater projector.

It stays like that for a couple of moments, until it changed to something different.



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The same black and white bear from before was showed once again, this time the video had better quality. The bear was standing in another stage, one that looked better, decorated with stars, clouds and bright pink lights. 

But the thing that stood out the most was a big, pink, shining sign that read as "MONOKUMA THEATER" . It was above the monochromatic bear. 

You feel like you've seen something like this before. 

Before letting you form any other thought, the bear started to talk.


" 'Don't do something that seems or is bad thinking that you are doing it for the greater good, it's nothing more than false beliefs.' is something that you may have heard before, wheter from a supposed inspirational quotes page or your parents lecturing you" 

The bear, Monokuma, said. 

"But i have always wondered, is that such a smart thing to say?"

 It asked, not looking for an answer.

 "Why shouldn't i do something that seems or is bad,even if it is actually for a good, greater, cause?"

"For example, 'Rob from the rich and give to the poor', we all know that robbing is a bad thing, right? but if you look at it from another point of view... your opinions may change." 

"Stuff such as this has been said since along time ago, with coming up with seemingly unfair but somewhat effective ways to solve certain problems, just like in the example i just gave you" 

"And in my opinion... I don't think robbing from the rich and giving to the poor would be the best way to deal with this problem." 

"It would be a thousand times better if we kidnapped lots of people and placed them into an arena to then force them to kill eachother for money until there are only seven left! That way, all the people that lived would have all the money that they need, and we don't need to care about the dead ones, because the dead don't need the money! And it would also be BEARY fun! Dont you think!?" 

"Unfortunaly, my incredible idea is way too good for society that they won't accept it... Because 'Murder is bad'... How lame..." 

"I guess that 'Murder is bad' could be another example for what i was originally saying... Yes, most normal, boring, and average people will not kill other people for no reason but..." 

"What if you are given the opportunity to kill someone who is someone actually bad? Someone that is a reeeaaall bad guy, you get what i mean?" 

"What would you do in a situation such as this? Be honest with yourself, what would YOU do? Would you kill them, knowing that there may be consequences, or would you let them keep getting away, only so you can be safe without the need of having any responsability about it?" 

"That kind of reminds me of something related to a trolley... Can't exactly remember why" 

"Anyway, if you ask me i think that we all need continue doing bad things with good purposes! And bad things with bad purposes too! Those beign the most fun of them all, of course!" 

"In my advice, you should do anything if you have a motive on why you did it! Don't care about people think or say! It doesnt matter if they interpret it any other way, as long as you know that you are doing good..." 


Just as sudden as all of that talking was, it suddedly stopped. Nothing was beign projected anymore.

You thought about what it had said, it was weird, why did it mean by all of that? And why is all of its advise bullshit

Very weird...


Alrighties onto chapter 2 now but fr

[DISCONTINUED] ★ 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 ★ (Danganronpa V3 Gn!reader Insert )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora