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Well well well. Our chemistry teacher mr.kang was about to us questions that day. I was pretty sure i could do this but i was still scared anyway.

When he came, we greeted him. But for certain reasons he seemed a little off that day. Usually he would normally behave with us but that day he was pretty pissed off.

That day bangchan was also there, sitting behind me. Wish i really could sit with him. But it was ok anyway. Beside him, there was hyunjin.

"Class, i was supposed to ask you questions about chapter 6 today. Shall i start?" he asked. "Yes sir you may." i responded knowing no one actually would.

"What is the bond energy of carbon dioxide? You tell jisung."
Then he stood up, i was pretty sure he didnt study that day so he couldn't say for a minute.

I looked at him and tried to say it slowly.
"187 kcal mf" he looked at me and tried to understand it. I didnt realize mr.kang caught me saying it.

"Minho." i startled a bit and looked at him. "Y-yes sir?" i stood up and responded quickly.

"What were you saying to jisung? Why would you help him? This way he'd never learn."
I looked down. "I'm sorry, sir."
"Your behaviour is getting worse. Fix yourself. Just because you're good at everything and all doesn't mean you'll save the world or just be good to everyone." he then continued his asking session.
I sighed. I wondered what was happening. I sat down slowly.
That day, he didn't ask me anything anymore. I was pretty hurt by his words anyway, so i remained silent the rest of the day.

After the class, i was thinking about mr.kang again. What exactly made him furious? Was it my existence? Was it something else? I couldn't overthink less as people went out of the class.

"Hoe, fix your behaviour." someone said from behind as i turned to them, it was none other than Karina, one of the toppers. She was the only one who hated me in the whole class. As far as i knew.

"You can go you know." i said as put my books in my bag. "Mr.kang said the right thing. You don't actually matter." said she.

I sighed and didn't answer. I was still thinking about mr.kang. he wasnt usually like that.
She came in front of my desk and grabbed my chemistry book.
"You see this? You don't deserve to read this anymore you know."

"Give it back to me, i get better marks in chemistry anyway." i said calmly as she threw the book behind. I saw someone catching it.

"Karina, are you sure you want to top? Throwing this book doesn't seem like it." Hyunjin said as he came forward with the book.
"Stop messing with him and study."

She aggressively grabbed her bag and went away. I sighed.
"U worried about mr.kang?" he asked me handing the book as i put it in my bag.
"Mhm. Wonder what he was mad about."

"Don't overthink. He might have some fight with his wife or some." he sighed and went away.
I finally took my bag and went with him.

"Why are you still here anyway?" i asked. "Dunno either. Just don't wanna go home right now cuz in physics test i got low marks. I don't wanna show it to my dad."

I sighed. "What'd you get?" "8 out of 20. No need to laugh."
"I never laughed at people's low marks anyway. You'd do better next time, if you want to." i said as he looked at me.
"Everyone says that. I don't do well anyway."

"Your negativity triggers me. You cant stay positive for once. Im still wondering why he scolded me. I was just tryna tell jisung the answer." i said as i frowned.
"You cant think less. I gotta go." he said as he went to the class.
I guess he got extra classes.

I went home then, still overthinking.

Hyunjin's pov

After talking with minho, i was walking to my class to take my bag. In the way, i saw mr.kang doing something so i stopped.

He was doing something to the plants. He put something in tacenda as well.

I went to him and greeted him.
"Hello, mr. Kang."
He turned to me. "What are you doing here hyunjin? You should be at home right now you know." he said, normally as usual. Not when he behaved not so good with minho last time.

"I was about to go home now, sir. But i happened to stop here being curious of how you were putting some solution in the plants. Is it for the next practical class?" i asked formally.
He nodded. "Yeah it is. Just to make sure this experiment doesn't go wrong, im already doing it and seeing the outcome. Fortunately it seems like nothing should be wrong with it." he said and smiled.

"Sir, may i ask why you were mad in today's class? I'm sorry if this was a wrong question." i said. He sighed.
"Well, you know, hyunjin, some people of your class is spreading rumors about me. I also got to hear something that really pissed me off. I wasn't necessarily angry, but i was really sad today. Couldn't help it. Some people were saying that they heard some girls from your class i mean class B, had a crush on me. They've kinda went far with it. I was actually mad at them." he explained.

"I'm very sorry to hear that. But Minho was really sad about today.." i said.
"I'm sorry about minho, i didn't mean any of it. Out of anger, it went out of my mouth. Has minho gone home?"
"Yes, he just went out of the school. He seemed pretty worried about you actually. He was asking what had happened to you." i said.

He sighed. "Hyunjin, some people are extremely crazy. Also stupid. Yet some people are very understanding. They behave so well sometimes even we're jealous of their good behaviour. We're like 'wish i could be them'. Minho is such a person everyone is jealous of. I think. Yet people should actually try to be like him. He's one of the best students in the school. I was such a fool at him age." he chuckled and said.

"That's his plant, sir. He named it Tacenda." i pointed at it as he looked.
"He even named a plant? Thats a good name though. Anyway hyunjin, you may go now. Its getting late." he said.
"Yes i should, sir. See you tomorrow in class. Thank you for trusting me with your words." i thanked him as he smiled.

"Sometimes you gotta spill it out or else it gets worse."

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