14 1 1

"Hi, I'm Rory Fevella, president of the student council here at St. Ignatius. Now I don't want to brag but, I think we have a grea-" I cut myself off. I turned off the TV to be exact.

I've heard it too many times, and I don't need it right now. Right now being my first blind date.

I just finished getting ready and I am about to head out the door of my dorm checking and making sure I have everything before I walk out.

"Phone, keys, wallet, extra makeup, hand sanitizer, safety gadget, coat, my hair's done, my dress is not wrinkled, charger." I say to myself.

That's it, I walk out the door and lock it. I'm walking down the hallway to the stairs when I hear that same line but continued. I sped up not wanting to listen to the whole thing.

"I think we have a great facility here. We have an Anti-Bullying club for those who need help or who want to help. We have lots of social clubs including-" I run down the stairs as fast as possible in my heels and finally get out of the stuffy building.

It's not ugly, nor beautiful, it's an average apartment looking building, even though it's a dorm building. It's kind of small, just a cozy feeling but for me the whole building itself makes me a little claustrophobic.

I walked to my car which was too far for walking in heels.

I'm girly, I would say but, I don't like heels, I never wear them and they are so uncomfortable and not my style. I have that casual but cute and sometimes hot aesthetic or style.

Once I got in my car I realized I was almost late to leave.

I needed to leave at 6:45 pm to get to the restaurant at 7:00 and my date would show up at 7:15pm.

Getting a table there would take a little bit too and I obligated getting the table as my job.

"Table for 2." I said to the waitress at the front table when I arrived and went in.

"One moment." She said and motioned for me to sit aside.

I sat for 5 minutes and then a waitress brought me to the table and I pulled out my phone to text my date.

He didn't read it for awhile as I was waiting for a waitress to ask me what drink I wanted. Once she came over I told her just water for now and told her that I was expecting someone so a water for him too.

I checked my phone and texted him again.

No answer.

Great, my first blind date in 2 years and I got stood up.

I might as well enjoy what's broken.

I ordered a salad with carrots and broccoli. I'm the it girl, you know, can't eat random shit to fatten me up.

I don't do sports though, too time consuming and too exhausting. I just like to have a nice diet so I can live long and healthy.

I finished my salad and then texted Chad. Yes, his name is Chad.

Still no answer, or even a sign that he opened it.

I was pissed off and I was done waiting for him. I paid the bill and got up leaving my coat on the back of my chair. I walked out the door and headed to my car. I turned around as I heard someone say, "Miss, Miss, you, you forgot your jacket." 

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much sir-" I stopped talking in the middle of my sentence as I looked at him.

He was built. You could see his biceps through his leather jacket and he had a sharp jawline but it wasn't too sharp to where it was unattractive because he was very attractive. He was taller than me, just by a few inches, but enough to where I had to look up into his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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