Chapter One: Avatar Ronin

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Water. Earth. Fire. Air. My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days, a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar master of all 4 elements could stop the firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed before avatar Aang was found frozen in an iceberg by a young girl, Katara, and her brother Sokka. It wouldn't be long before Aang was set on his path to master all 4 elements by avatar Roku, who told Aang if he was to save the world he must do it by summer's end. In what was a marvelous feat, not a small feat either mind you, Aang mastered all 4 elements with the help of his friends: Toph the  blind earthbender, Katara the water bender of the southern water tribe, Sokka, Kataras brother born without bending, Suki of the Kiyoshi warriors, and Aang's flying bison Appa and flying lemur Momo. In a strange twist of events even the fire lord's own son, the banished prince Zuko would join the team to overthrow Ozai.With the avatar's new team of friends and allies they put an end to Ozai's reign of  tyranny. The 4 nations would come back to peace and harmony thanks to these brave warriors and the friends they made on their journey. In all honesty, there is not an avatar to date thats had such an impact on the world like Aang's bravery. Its a heartfelt story about an airbending monk who became the avatar, and despite the wisdom and knowledge of past avatar's who insisted Aang kill Ozai, Aang found his own way. Instead of listening, Aang had found a way to stop firelord Ozai without taking his life, and instead took the firelord's bending away. Aang had done what no other avatar could: he found enlightenment even though the avatar was never to find such a thing as it was an avatar's duty to keep the balance, by any means necessary, despite his or her world views. That was over 5 thousand years ago. Long gone is the era of avatar Aang, long forgotten is the legend, the tales of Kora. No one has seen an avatar since, but their teachings are passed down to their followers who kept the peace in the avatar's disappearance. The 4 nations have kept the peace, sure there have been a few who tried to corrupt the balance, none of them worth mentioning as their corruption never lasted a month with the avatars followers protecting the 4 nations.

Alas, an avatar's job is never done. After 5 thousand years of peace and prosperity, a new avatar was born unto the world. A water bender named Ronin, born in the northern water tribe where he trained and mastered water bending by the age of 4. By age 5 Ronin showed signs of airbending. It wasn't long before news of the avatar's return spread far and wide, with people rejoicing, nations cheering, and benders eager to meet him.
If only we knew that the avatar himself would eventually grow to become the world's next threat, maybe we could have acted sooner and prevented a war like no other. I wish we had, but the reality is none of us thought it possible, that the avatar who was born to keep the peace, would inevitably be the one to shatter the peace... This is avatar Ronin's story...

This is the story of how the world would ultimately come to the conclusion that the avatar was no longer our greatest ally...

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