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There were a handful of facts in Ariadnê's life.

One: Her name was Ariadnê Jackson.

Two: She was the daughter of Sally Jackson and Poseidôn. (yes, the Olympian god.)

Three: She was the twin sister of Percy Jackson.

Four: She was twenty-two years old.

Five: She was best friends with Clarisse La Rue, Connor & Travis Stoll, and Hermês. (yes, the Olympian god.)

Six: She was quite fucking obviously a demigoddess.

Seven: She was a single mother.

Not too many know that last one. In fact, the only people that knew were her mother, Krókos, Hermês, and his mother, Maia.

You see, Ariadnê was a part of this big complicated prophecy. For like four years of her life, she had been convinced that her brother was the child of said prophecy. It was like everything wrong in the world seemed to pile onto his shoulders. He was constantly doing something heroic or another. And then when it finally came down to it, it was her who was left standing.

Thanks mother, it would've been nice to know that she had been the older twin all along.

Life had been weird and depressing. She made and lost friends. She found her father. She found a place to belong. She fell in love.

And then the world came crashing down.

When Ariadnê was thirteen, she met him.

She thought he was an arrogant jackass that had his head so far up his ass that he couldn't see past his own bullshit. She hated him. No, hate wasn't dramatic enough. She loathed him. Yeah, that's better.

For the next three years of her life, she had a hostile relationship with him. For fates' sake, even his kids had a problem with her. But it was alright. It was fine. She just kept to her little circle. She didn't need them. They needed her. (When she came up with the idea of ambro-pops and nect-sicles, they had to come to her to get permission to use it.)

If it wasn't obvious by now, she was talking about Apollo. Excuse her, Lord Apollôn, god of music and light.

It had taken a significant amount of time before the two of them could be cordial to each other. (Mainly the summer before she turned sixteen. Her brother's life was on the line, and she'd be damned if she spent her life without him.) It had taken that one final battle before she realized that she had...ugh... feelings for him. Before she realized that she was in love with him.

Luckily for her, he loved her back.

Guess the saying "there's a thin line between love and hate" had some merit.

But that wasn't the point. The point was that they gave the relationship a chance. Even when her brother had gotten kidnapped for nearly a year and she was going crazy in her worry, he still stood by her side. He held her when she cried in fear. He wiped her tears whenever she began to have doubts. He held her hand whenever she felt strong enough to face the world.

And then it all came crashing down when the doors of death were opened.

It wasn't only the monsters and the vilest mortals coming back through. Some of the good souls found their chance for another happy ending.

Her half-brother, Theseus, strolled right through the doors.

[He was the one that covered her escape actually.]

Helénē of Troy also came back.

[She reminded her so much of Silena that Ariadnê could cry.]

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