Kitty head

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The sun rises over a small town on a small island. A yellow apartment building is seen and the sun shines in a window, inside the apartment unit someone is sleeping in a shark shaped cave bed. The person wakes up and crawls out of the cave bed. It's a girl with a big pink cat head, she yawns and stretches and goes onto the balcony and yells out.


She goes to the bathroom and wipes her fuzzy cat head; she looks at herself in the mirror and smiles. Her fluffy head glitters like gold in the sunlight. Kitty head walks into the kitchen and looks around. There is an oversized chocolate cat on a plate and Kitty head picks it up and eats it. It's rich and soft and sweet like a chocolate covered peach. Kitty head goes over to the fridge, there are several milk bottles on it with the Kingfisher Island logo on it. Kitty head picks up one and chugs it down. It tastes like strawberry milk with a hint of coconut. Kitty head looks in the freezer and looks at a container of ice cream with three cats on it. She picks it up and starts munching on it. Kitty head pulls out some nuts and starts eating them. She looks in the fridge again and picks out some carrots, she starts eating them. She looks through the cabinets and continues to eat more food until the fridge is empty and she burps.

"Well, that was fun, oh man I'm still hungry", said kitty head.

She gets her bike helmet and a jacket out of the closet and walks out the front door. She sees a tall black woman with green hair and round glasses carrying a basket of laundry.

"Hey Meri.", said kitty head.

"Oh, hey kitty head, how are you doing today?", asked Meri.

"I'm good, ate all my food again and going to go get some more.", Kitty head replied.

"Sounds like you.", said Meri.

"So, you're doing laundry?", asked Kitty head.

"Yeah, it's free laundry day! the one day a month everyone in the building can do laundry for free, so you better hurry free laundry day ends at midnight.", said Meri.

Meri walks off and kitty head goes to the garage to get her moped scooter. She rides her scooter out the garage and sees her landlord and old man trimming the hedges and waves to him.

"HEY RON!", said Kitty head.

Ron waves back, she rides through town seeing many of the shops preparing to open and some old men getting ready to go fishing.

"I love the island in the morning.", said kitty head.

She smells something sweets coming out of the bakery, and she rides over. She enters the shop and is engulfed with the aroma of fresh baked sweet bread and cookies. She drools over the sight of a cat shaped dessert behind the glass. The cashier hits her on the head with a fly swatter.

"No drooling on the glass.", said the cashier.

"Sorry, can i get that cat treat?", asked Kitty head.

The cashier rolls his eyes and wraps up the cat treat.

"One Peach kitty, that'll be 10.50.", said the cashier.

Kitty head reaches in her pocket and grabs a five-dollar bill, she pulls it out and slides it across the counter.

"It's 10.50.", said the cashier.

Kitty head reaches into her purse and pulls out a piece of paper and a pen.

"Can I write you an IOU for the rest of the money?" asked Kitty head.

"You can pay up or I'll call the cops.", said the cashier.

A tall pink haired woman appears behind kitty head and pays the cashier the rest of the money.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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