Ashley Williams

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Almost as if trying to corner you, you found yourself being pushed further and further to the old metal trailer. His towering body could easily overpower you in a scuffle.
Once inside, it seem the mood only darken, the silence of the night being interrupted with the sounds of you breathing.
Nervously switching your feet back and forth, trying to find the words to end this conversation.
"Well thank you Ash-"
You were immediately cut off by a raised hands
" You're welcome doll face, now why don't you go ahead and retire for the night ".

Guessing you were both on the same page you listen to the older man. While cleaning yourself up your mind began to race once more of the impure thoughts of Ash Williams. Your mind played with the idea of his large firm breast. The ration of muscle to body fat on Ash Williams was magnificent. The tan abused skin , that showed not only age but the scars from unknown fights, always seem like an inviting place for your eyes.

After cleaning up all that was next was to find a place within the trailer to crash for the night. Possibly the love seat that you saw in the living room would make a great "bed".

Turning the corner there he still was...
Why hadn't he turned in for the night yet? He still sat in that chair since arriving home, a cold beer gripped in to his hand. The collected condensation from the cold bottle, dripping down corse knuckle.
" You think I haven't been watching you, checking me out at every second your whore brain forgets the mission."
Y/N scoffed that the accusations, " As if, you seem like you're the one who's been projecting shit. As if I would ever have a -"
The older man quickly got up to catch his victim.
His robotic hand grabbed ahold of your wrist. It's cold touch pulling you in with a hard yank, closer to the slayer.
" It's okay sweetheart, it can be embarrassing to be with a much older man. Don't you worry though, your daddy gonna take real good care of you"
His left hand tracing it's way down your face, you shutter as his course skin explores your body.  The hand lowering itself to your tender breast, squeezing and pulling on your tits as if nursing.
A moan escaped from your mouth, his hand traveling lower until its paused at your lower torso.
His breath was hot against your face, the warmth that radiated from Ash Williams could melt steel.
" Would you like me to go further, baby?"
Shame washed over you like a wave, it's warm feeling spreading inside your stomach, the sensation pushing you to wanting more.
" Yes, Sir" you spat out, eyes darting away from the mans faded blue eyes.
A smile plastered across his face, finally he had caught you. The curious hand plunged itself into the front of your pants. The large hand pressed firmly against your mons, the large corse fingers gently playing across your sensitive cunt.
" Go ahead baby, you can relax. Ash is going to take really good care of you."  He took in a large whiff of your sweet smelling hair, you hear him pur into your ear.
It was animalistic how primal Ash was becoming the further you two continued. His unforgiving corse hands scratched at your soft skin. His unkept nails digging into your skin, purposely marking you.
You could feel his hard shaft pushing up against your leg, pre-cum dripping from the swollen tip.

Ash's hand explored your warm cunt, fingers pushing into sensitive muscles. His thumb constantly pushing onto your clit, ringing it.
Your knees buckle under you, your body fully being held up by and assaulted by Ash Williams.
You grind into the assaulting hand, pushing its 4 digits deeper into your core. Ash was taken aback by how receptive you actually were. He smiled while deepening the kiss, your tongues clashing against one another for dominance. Teeth clattering at the rushed altercation.
Your hands in the rush of the excitement clawed deep into Ashes blue shirt, leaving behind nasty raised scratch marks on the mans tanned skin.

Ash was the one who finally broke away from this kiss. Your spit running down his chin, dripping back on to your chest.
He cocked his head to the side, his eyes darkening with what ever morbid scene was playing inside his head.
" Now then, I can't let you off like that ." He spun your around, your back know facing the front of his towering body. His dark shadow covering your figure. His metallic hand grabbing ahold of both wrist. Pushing them into the small of your back. His hot breath blowing down your back.
" Tell your Daddy, what does his pet need?"
" I'm not calling you tha-  "
His large fist striking your back thigh, you screamed out in pain from the unexpected assault. A large red patch would be left behind from the punishing hand.
Tears sprung to your eyes, the area of impact felt as if he was actively trying to break a bone.
The vice hand slowly reaching up to gently pull the lost strand of hair behind you ear.
" Now let's try this again, tell your daddy what his pet needs " his dexterous voice called out to you. The hand that has been used for the onslaught now crept slower up your exposed hip, it's digits now digging deep into flesh.

Still you refused to reply to the demeaning question, it was going to take more than a few hits to get you to unravel. Ash seeming tired of the brat game you were trying to pass along, decided he would be glad to speed up your process.
"We'll, this just isn't going to work for us is it?"
With a closed fist, Ash hit right on top your hip. You screamed out in agony, the hot pain setting in to your already abused body.
In retaliation you decide to kick your legs behind yourself, in an attempt to knock ash in the knees or groin. That proved useless as he quickly doge your own attack.

A scuffle of power insinuated between you both. Ash's strong body struggling to take control over your  wriggling body. Easily finding yourself able to slip out of his clutches right before somehow being caught once more.
Ash's golden opportunity finally came once he noticed how winded you had actually become.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2022 ⏰

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