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SILENT SCREAMS AND SOFT GROANS filled the dimly lit dark chamber which held naught but a platform bed and medical monitoring.

Lux Kal-Nox groaned loudly as she pushed, her curls a mess of silver around her head, sticking to her skin from the sheen of sweat.

Val-El, her husband was between her legs, carefully moving her dress as he prepared for the baby. Val-El had his golden locks of hair tied behind his head, his arms free of their usual armor, his eyes worried making the usually electric cyan color darker.

Lux gave a sharp scream that echoed around the chamber as a wail came from the new life that had entered a dying world. A full head of soft silver curls and skin a soft snow shade flushed with pink. The wail died down as cyan eyes opened.

The new mother and father held their child close as they chose her name. Kali Val-El. "She is beautiful, Val." Lux whispered quietly to her husband who just nodded.

"We must hurry." He said sadly and his wife looked at him with tears in her eyes before nodding sharply.


SEVEN HOURS AFTER HER BIRTH, Kali Val-El was in her ship, going through her first transformation, three soft gills formed on each side of her little neck, her eyes turned a mix of blue and green while her little lips turned a dark blue.

A small set of blue scales of different shade covered where her breasts would one day form and her tail was slim and deadly, the same shades of color as her upperscales.

Lux watched in shock as her daughter's skin turned harder than diamond glimmering in the light as her scales and tail faded leaving her with just her lips, eyes, and gills.

Lux frowned sadly as she pressed the button. Normally a child would enter the chamber for a few minutes once a week over the course of the years to aid in their training. Kali did not have that amount of time and so in her dreams she would learn from her ancestors, it was the only way.

Lux closed her eyes knowing that as soon as she and Val died, their memory-selves, shadows of their souls, would join their daughter in her dreams to teach her.

Lux and Val were not fond of this ritual they created, upgrading the usual ritual, simply because each dream would translate back to her body. This meant that she would never truly dream or have nightmares, if she needed to rest her mind, she would sleep without dreams.

Val entered just as Kali closed her eyes relaxing into a dream. He stood beside his wife, adjusting the pod, the ship that would care for their child.

He reached up and touched the center of his armor, closing his eyes and let's a tear slip free. "Ānogar ānograro. [Blood of my Blood.]" He said quietly before the silver and red amulet came out without a chain.

He smiles and repeaded himself watching as the red crystal became a swirl, he pressed the items he and his wife had gathered to it, watching them disappear before placing the crystal into the pod.

"The young star will live for a long time." Lux told her husband as the shields went up around the ship with the key clicking into place.

"It will grant her great power." Val agreed quietly as the ship began floating and then ventured off.

"May you find your way into the light, Kali Val-El"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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