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-Be respectful. It might take me a bit to respond or accept your oc.    -I am aloud to not accept your oc. Please fill out the form correctly.    -You are aloud to have other people be related to/have a crush on as long as they are okay with it - Have Fun!                                              CLANS:                             VIOLETCLAN-                     TERRITORY: VioletClan territory is filled with beautiful meadows and flowers with plentiful fields. They share borders with DeerClan & FreezeClan.     NAMES: VioletClan cats names usually have different plants or flowers in there names.                     PREY: Mice, Rabbit Squirrel.           DEERCLAN-                     TERRITORY: DeerClan territory is plentiful and full of life, they have a wide stretch of forest with a shallow green river cutting through there territory to Separate them from LilyClan.                                        NAMES: DeerClan names usually have something to do with wild animals or plants.                          PREY: Fish, Shrew, if they have a patrol big enough sometimes Deer. LILYCLAN- TERRITORY- LilyClan territory consists of a a long grassland with frequent creeks & rivers, they have the most clan territory out of all the clans due to how much cats are in there clan. NAMES: LilyClan cats names usually are tropical and some are named after water plants.
PREY: Fish, Water voles, frogs, toads. FREEZECLAN- TERRITORY: FreezeClan territory consists of a deep mountains and long outstretched land they are neighbors to VioletClan. NAMES: FreezeClan cats are named after the cold or seasons. PREY: Hare, Shrew, Mice, Vole. FORM:
Detailed Description:
Barely Detailed Description: Role:
Personality: Weakness: Strengths: Mate/Crush:
Tags: (optional but greatly appreciated.). Limit of ocs is 5!

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