Part One

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A Dramione Holiday Story

"I just think we should spend the holidays apart and think about if we really want this, Mione. Let's take a break."

Hermione shook the memory of Ron's words out of her head as she walked into yet another shop with Ginny and Harry. The snow was coming down so gracefully in New York City, she didn't want bad history to be brought up and ruin her mood. They were here for Ginny. They were here to spend Christmas together. To wedding dress shop and see the sights.

Well, just shopping in general, she supposed.

Hermione took in the beautiful window display that the next store had. Tiny gingerbread houses filled the space, the high ceilings full of sparkling Christmas lights. She unwrapped her cashmere scarf from her neck once inside, as the temperature drastically changed from the chill outdoors. She looked around at all the other decorations. The walls were covered in lovely garland and poinsettia.

"Wow." Harry said unenthusiastically. He was most definitely over all the stores her and Ginny kept dragging him to.

Ginny elbowed him lightly. "Come on, Harry. Isn't it beautiful?" Her face was bright with Christmas spirit, not unlike Hermione.

"It looks the same as every other one we've been too today." Harry muttered, exasperated.

Hermione giggled at them as they bantered back and forth. She grabbed Ginny's hand to lead her over to the holiday section.

"I don't want you here right now, Hermione! Can you just go?"

Hermione's smile momentarily faltered as Ron's voice filled her head yet again.

A break. They were on a break. And Hermione didn't think she wanted to fix it. Not after what it took for her to get to where she is now. She could accept living with the memories of his cruel words because this Christmas was about spending time with her best friends in the city. She was glad Ron wasn't here to bring her down.

Ginny squeezing her hand brought her back to the present. To the shopping and the holiday noise and to life.


Hermione, Ginny, and Harry walked into their hotel, arms full of shopping bags and beanies covered in freshly fallen snow. A large Christmas tree is set up in the middle of the lobby, full of red and gold baubles, and a glittering metallic star on top. They made their way to the elevator to get to their rooms on an upper level. As the automatic doors shut them in, Ginny dropped her bags dramatically with a sigh.

"Mione?" She says. "You know I would love nothing more to be actual sisters with you but-"

Hermione cringed, not expecting to be bombarded by her friend so suddenly, and with Harry present, no less. But locked in the elevator made for no means of escape.

Ginny continued with her speech. "but I want you to be happy first and foremost. Does my brother make you happy?"

"Gin, leave her be, darling." Harry murmured to his fiancée.

"Truly, Ginny, lets talk later... and not in a cramped elevator with poor Harry." Hermione conceded.

"Let's talk now." Ginny demands, pushing all of their bags into Harry's arms. The doors opened to their floor, and she grabbed Hermione's hand. "Off to your room."

Hermione gave Harry an apologetic look before being dragged to her hotel room, while pulling her keycard from her bag. Harry stumbled down the hallway, grumbling again.

Ginny practically shoved Hermione into her suite. The dark green walls of the hallway turning cream as they entered. Even her room was festively decorated, with wreaths hung on every door and tiny glass trees adorning the dressers and nightstands.

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