Chapter 37

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The senseis look to be actually getting along, the sparing deck is becoming very useful and she is happy it is that way. She had sparred with Mr LaRusso, to say she was getting really good is great to be hearing from him, she was not letting anything that happened to her affect her anymore.

Mr Lawrence and Mr LaRusso switched, Mr LaRusso took Eagle fan and Mr Lawrence took Miyagi Do. Mr Lawrence had taken them to this random building and climbed to the roof.

"Let's go, Miyagi's. Move your asses!" Mr Lawrence shouts from the top of the stairs, we made it to the roof where Sensei kicked down the door in a dramatic way. We look over the edge to see two mattresses

"Oh God. I'm tired of being right." Demetri groans

"What are we doing here?" Sam questions

"When an eagle's hungry, it doesn't hesitate. It'll dive down at 100 miles an hour to snatch its prey. Doesn't wait around for a fish to jump in its feet." Sensei starts

"Talons." Demetri corrects

"It's not talent. It's instinct. An eagle knows it has to make the first move. If you want to beat Cobra Kai in the All Valley, you gotta break yourself of this wait-and-see crap." Sensei says

"How exactly are we gonna do that?" Clover questions, looking up at Mr Lawrence

"You're gonna jump from this roof to that one." Mr Lawrence points

"What? Are you crazy?" Sam exclaims

"Well he has put his students in a cement mixer, so I wouldn't be surprised" Clover speaks, Mr Lawrence gives her a look

" That building is, like, five Nates away and we're at least 14 Nates high." Demetri points out

"Please don't use me as a system of measurement." Nate says, looking at Demetri

"Quiet! If you wanna be an eagle, first you gotta learn how to fly. You can't do that unless you jump." Mr Lawerence shouts

"What if we fall?"

"That's what the mattresses are for." Really the two dingy mattresses on the ground there, Clover thought they were just abandoned there

" And if we miss the mattresses?" Demetro panics

"Try not to. All right, who's first? We're not leaving 'til someone jumps. Let's go.

I'll wait." Mr Lawrence says

"Then I guess you'll be waiting a long time. 'Cause, we're not jumping." Sam sasses

Clover shrugs " If I can beat whatever my mum did, I can jump," Clover says, she honestly wasn't fazed by it. Clover does a running start and just jumps for it, making it over.

"Yeah! Lucky Charm" Mr Lawrence exclaims, Clover smiles in triumph

Clover sat across the building, bored as shit.

"Can someone else jump over please, I'm dying of boredom cause my bag is across" Clover says dramatically.

After a while, they were leaving no one else jumped over but her. Until she saw Sam start running then jump across like her.

"Nice move LaRusso" Mr Lawrence calls, Clover and Sam high-five as they start to walk down the stairs of the building to meet them downstairs.

They all waited out front for Mr Lawrence to arrive to start our lesson

"So? What's the plan for today?" Sam asks

"Something else life-threatening?" Clover jokes

"Oh yeah, but now you're ready. Remember, if you get put in a scary situation, you don't back down. You gotta grow a pair...Of legs to jump." Mr Lawrence tries to save

"It's okay. We understand. Sensei." Sam replies

"Let's get to work. Okay." We follow Sensei into the yard, where we see the Eagle fangs

"What the hell?" Mr Lawrence says, after seeing how close Mr LaRusso and Miguel are getting. Clover could tell Sensei was jealous because he thought of Miguel as his son and Mr LaRusso was taking that over a little bit.

Clover knew that this lesson was going to be a bit different, he seemed more aggravated them usual.

She walked through school as the middler schoolers were being showed around, she noticed she was being pointed at and getting shocked faces from some of the middler schoolers as they had probably seen her on the news from being apart of the school fight.

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