Naughty Niffler

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"Huh?" Harry stopped and looked around. Right after he left his home and headed towards his separate lab in the backyard he thought he heard something. After a few moments of hearing nothing more than the wind blowing the trees he continued walking across the large yard. "I thought I heard- ..."

The green eyed wizard froze. He definitely heard a rustle coming from the trees near the edge of his property and it immediately put him on alert. After all, there were still a few stray Death Eaters wandering around and they occasionally targeted him even though he killed Voldemort. It was enough reason for Harry to reach for the wand on his belt and prepare to fight.

However, the rustling just continued and a bit of squeaking could also be heard. Now Harry was concerned for a different reason and he quickly started to approach the noise. The closer he got the more sure he became that it was an injured animal. Once he stuck his head behind the tree he saw a bleeding fluffy creature that was much cuter than what he originally expected.

"No. No. No. Don't move." Harry said softly as he clumsily stepped into the thick brush to help a very scared niffler who seemed to have something tangled around its neck. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but looked like it was the reason why the creature was hurt and stuck. "It's ok. I won't hurt you."

The wizard spoke softly and moved very carefully so he didn't scare the fluffy creature. As he gently patted the furry head the little creature started to calm down and he was finally able to get a good look at the thing that trapped the niffler. It looked like a piece of a plastic bag that got wrapped around the fluffy neck and snagged by the branches of the bush. However, that wasn't what caused the blood. The blood was caused by a sharp piece of something sticking out of the flesh.

"I got you. Just let me get rid of this." Harry said calmly as he aimed his wand and carefully vanished the plastic bag so the little creature wasn't held captive by the branches. "I got you. I have some healing ointments inside." He said after vanishing the jagged thing that caused the injury and gently picked up the niffler.

Apparently, the little fluff realized Harry was trying to help and nuzzled it's beak into the crook of Harry's arm. Unfortunately, the adorable attempt to burrow into the warm spot between the wizard's arm and torso was a bit ticklish. It took absolutely everything Harry had to not drop the little creature as he all but ran back into his home. Despite being ravaged by ticklish snuggles the wizard managed to gently put the fluffy creature down on the soft pillow on the plush couch.

Harry was about to leave, but immediately stopped when the little niffler started trying to move on its injured leg, "Don't move." He pleaded, but gave up almost instantly when the fluffy magical creature whined. "Alright, I'll stay."

Since the fluffy niffler didn't want to be left alone Harry sat down on the couch. After a quick wave of his wand to summon his healing ointment he set the wand on the side table. To make sure his wiggly fluffy guest wouldn't move until the ointment arrived, Harry pulled the pillow and niffler onto his lap.

"Ok, you're cute, but you need to hold still." Harry chuckled as the fluffy guest kept trying to nuzzle its head into Harry's chest.

Yes, the creature wasn't moving its wounded leg too much, but Harry really didn't want it to stress itself. Besides, the poor niffler's neck must be sore from the thing that nearly strangled it.Thankfully, a jar floated around the corner just as his fluffy fiend was getting too restless.

With a gentle flip the niffler was placed on its back and Harry used magic to open the floating jar without hands. Once Harry had a bit of the smooth cream on his finger he searched for the wounds under the soft fur. At this point the little niffler was quite sleepy so it was an easy task to complete.

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