one and only chapter cause it's a oneshot

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The doctor's announcement of the birth elicited a symphony of joyful exclamations and thunderous applause from the assembled crowd. The baby, a beautiful boy, was wailing at the top of his tiny lungs, testing out his vocal cords with all his might. His lungs were strong, already hinting at his potential to be a mighty and formidable Pharaoh. Without delay, the infant was handed into his mother's waiting embrace. Nestled safely within her strong and loving arms, she whispered quietly to him, "Grow fast and strong, my little warrior."

It was evident from the moment he was born that he was healthy and robust, displaying all the makings of a great Pharaoh, ruler, husband, and father. As soon as he was cleaned and wrapped in soft blankets, he was presented to his father, who sat comfortably on his glittering throne, adorned in all the riches of his powerful kingdom. The wicked Pharaoh, surrounded by women, snacked on ripe grapes, his eyes flashing apathetically at the sight of his newborn son.

The cruel ruler lazily gestured for his son to be brought closer to him, allowing the woman holding the infant to step forward. However, after a brief glance, the spawn's presence failed to pique the man's interest any longer. "He shall begin his training immediately," the Pharaoh commanded his vizier with a dismissive gesture. "Push him past his limits."

The vizier nodded obsequiously, pledging to carry out the task as instructed. "As you wish, Mighty Pharaoh."

When Cyno was but a mere eight years of age, the day arrived after weeks of anticipation and excitement for the arrival of his newborn baby brother. As soon as the news had reached his young ears, Cyno's heart had swelled with pride and joy, for he was eager to finally meet his little sibling for the first time.

However, before he could lay eyes on the newest addition to his family, Cyno had to complete his training, a task he took very seriously. For weeks, he had meticulously studied the art of warfare, dedicating himself to the mastery of the spear, his weapon of choice. In his mind, he envisioned the day when he would lead his father's army to glory, becoming a revered warrior and a man to be respected by all.

Finally, the day arrived, and after enduring hours of gruelling training in the sweltering heat, Cyno was granted a brief reprieve. With his eyes fixed on the door, he dashed down the hallway, his heart pounding with anticipation. Every step brought him closer to fulfilling his lifelong dream of meeting his baby brother.

As he arrived at the entrance to the room, Cyno's eyes locked onto the sight of the woman cradling his baby brother in her arms. At first, the woman appeared to be taken aback by the sudden arrival of Cyno, but as she gazed into his youthful eyes, her expression softened.

For a moment, the world around him seemed to fade away, as Cyno looked upon his baby brother for the very first time. He could feel a warmth spread throughout his chest, as he realized that this tiny being, who looked so fragile and vulnerable.
At that moment, Cyno forgot about his ambitions and dreams of becoming a great warrior, for he knew that his ultimate goal in life was to protect and care for this sweet little boy, his beloved brother.

Lady Enteka stood with a passive expression as she held the newborn in her arms. The little boy's eyes were closed, and he was swaddled in soft blankets as he peacefully slumbered. Little Cyno approached her cautiously. He halted a few steps away from her, as if not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence that had enveloped them.

"Lady Enteka, may I touch him?" Cyno asked in a hushed whisper. His voice was tender, as if he were afraid to break the fragile and delicate aura that seemed to be surrounding the newborn baby.

Enteka nodded her head, silently urging the little boy to get closer. The baby had been nestled in the arms of the woman who would stand next to his father, surrounded by other women, including his own mother. The little boy had gray hair just like Cyno, with chubby arms flailing around. Cyno couldn't help but wonder about the colour of the baby's eyes.

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